dum-dum "She's alright her, married though.
Images from online;
[listfind image
Drag the image to address bar (will open on its own and end with .jpg)
Left click on address bar and press ctrl+a (this will highlight the whole address)
Press ctrl+c to copy it to your clip board
Using the "full editor" on RLFans, press ctrl+v, this will paste the image address into the text area
Press ctrl+a to highlight the address again
Press the button above the text area with IMG on it, this will code it and it's ready to go.[/list
Pictures on your computer;
Go to tinypic.com
Click browse
Find image on your computer
Put in code that it asks for
Copy the code that's in
Crumbs. Don't you techie types make things complicated? Here's my uneducated advice from last year) then isolate it in a new tab.
Copy the gobbledygook in the address bar by right-clicking your mouse. In your post, click on the Img box above the text area and you'll get this[ /img].
Paste the gobbledygook between the 2 like thisCan%20we%20have%20the%20red%20underpants%20back%20please?" >]. When you submit, your beautiful picture should appear.'"