Was at wedding on Sat and got talking to a senior member of the FC coaching staff. Just before the wedding service he showed me a text from Richard Agar saying that FC have completed a deal to sign Sean Long for next season. Apparently Saints only offered him a 1 year deal & Hull have offered 2 years on more money. Should be announced early next week. Caused a right buzz at the wedding amongst FC fans.
He reckoned that FC coaches are very disappointed with Thorman & that the hammering at Leeds finally made the board decide to get their hands in their pockets for next seson. He reckons there will be a big clearout for next seson.
FC are also very close to a deal for Andy Lynch of Bradford.
BTW Matt Orford will not be coming as he wants too much money [/i(£165,000 per season)
Well after being shot down in flames by some on this forum, when I told you the news from "a senior member" of the FC coaching staff, I have one thing to say to all the cynics and doubters..................................TOLD YOU SO !!
Oh ye of little faith