I am the author of the five Rugby League based novels (One Winter, One Spring, One Summer, One Autumn and Two Seasons). I have just started writing the next in the series. It does not have a title yet but one of my early chapters does. It is about a woman who lives on the north bank of the River Mersey and is called "She's A Jehovah's Widnes".
This coming Saturday morning (Sept 13th) I will be on Dewsbury Market outside Dawson's bookstall, signing copies of my latest novel "Two Seasons" which has a background of "Work, Family, Old Friends and Rugby League"
I will also have with me copies of my publisher's latest biography. It is that of Maurice Oldroyd of BARLA fame and is called "Building The Family Game"
These and plenty other Rugby League books are available on Dawson's bookstall, Amazon and from the web site of London League Publications at
www.llpshop.co.uk Click on books and then on fiction for the novels.