Well I am sure, like me, there are a few folks on here who will certainly listen again on sunday. If only to see if I can spot the difference.
I have, like a lot more I guess, stopped listening of late, because it is usually after a Rovers game and with GL in the chair it usually decends into his normal Roversathon. On the week that Yeamo got his new contract there was a three minute interview with him, and that was it for FC fans, absolutely nothing else, not even an encouragement for us to ring in, so I stopped listening after that week. The cosy 'More Tea Vicar' interview with the Rovers coach was so long that short of commenting on his aftershave and choice of socks (I await a comment here) there was nothing left to talk about, it went on for about 9/10 minutes.
Its usually a biased balance in my opinion, blamed no doubt by GL on the fact that we usually play on a Friday whilst the Dobbins play on a Sunday.
It should be either an after match programme or a true RL magazine show, but on a Sunday its hard to do justice to being either. I don't know why, during the Summer at least, why they dont do it on a Friday Tea time, say six to seven, with news, views callers and previews etc of both clubs games. Then i would be a real magazine programme.
Just of course my thoughts!