Quote The Avenger="The Avenger"Street house lot during the early 80s were nowt but a gang of bullies, not a tough one on one fighter amongst the lot of them. Their disgusting and cowardly assault on the two young lads outside the Wakey Pride showed them up for the morons they were.
They got their just deserts the night everyone with a grievance was sat waiting for them in the Strafford and for once they were outnumbered by the lads they chose to pick on.
They got a right battering and that was that for their tinpot reign of terror.'"
I can tell you a little story as regards the Streethouse mob. It was a comeupence they got a bit earlier (I think) than the one you're on about.
So to the best of my recollections just after christmas early1982 I went to a house party in Sandal. The house was one of the big ones opposite the Sandal Castle. one of your typical mummy and daddy have gone away for the weekend jobs.
It was a fairly dull doo tbh until 4 or 5 Streethouse boys turned up. In typical style they couldn’t just enjoy the opulence and free booze almost immediately they started causing bother but then in a moment of solidarity the local posh kids fought back and somehow they (the mob) ended up barricading themselves in the (master) bedroom. Rare for those days the bedroom had a phone and the mob threatened to ring their mates and get them round to sort us (they never came). Obviously the lass whose party it was panicked and rang the police. Except the police she rang was a very senior officer who was a family friend who lived just down the road on Chevet (allegedly).
This is where it gets interesting. Very quickly a van arrived with some very burly coppers and a very fat Sergeant. They came in and the went to the top of the stairs and I assume the rotund Sergeant convinced them to leave and they took the bait. As the first one came out of the door in full view of us all the Sergeant smacked him in the face with his truncheon then literally threw him down the stairs. He was definitely semi conscious and certainly hurt. Ditto the others who were then carted off to the cop shop except for the first guy who went to Pinders. No way could this happen today as it was even for then excessive force.
For a few weeks we thought we were fairly heroic and in our own way we had been but then I got told the truth. My mates parents were part of the Sandal dinner party set and the very senior officer was there and explained (allegedly) what happened. Basically no way was the very senior officer going to allow these thugs in his own backyard and the message was to be sent out by his uniformed officers in a language they would understand.
As far as I’m aware they never ventured to the suburbs again - they could terrorise Streethouse all day long but not the rate payers!. Not condoning it but boy it was effective and the Streethouse mob were shown up for what they were because I can tell you now a couple of them were blubbing at the end, all very sad in a way.
Thought this might interest you, all very Gene Hunt and very typical of the era.