I was just looking for the link to the WMDC on-line consultation page for the modifications to add the Newmarket Rumours thread and discovered that while the consultation does not open until this Thursday... the document is already open to view here - [urlhttp://consult.wakefield.gov.uk/portal/spatial_policy/ssp_mod/ssp_mod?pointId=1330702577880[/url
And... as I expected and predicted of course (

) it is indeed brilliant news and the most significant development we have had to date!!!
The Newmarket site remains firmly in the LDF to be taken out of greenbelt to provide 51ha of B8 development land and the while they have recommended modifications, again as I thought, these modifications are very positive and merely seek to clarify some comments the inspector made in relation to defensible & landscaping green belt boundary's and the access to the site.
The recommended modifications are as follows -
Modification 1
[iES W40A – Newmarket Colliery – additional text to ensure significant landscape buffers provided adjacent to the green belt boundaries.
Amend text to include reference to buffer landscaping.
“Development shall retain, or incorporate new, structural planting of native species on the site boundaries to create a defined natural green buffer to the development and the green belt.”
To create a defensible green belt boundary in accordance with national planning policy[/i
Modification 2
[iNew Local Road Network option to safeguard alignment for access serving ES W40A.
Insert new site box into Transport Chapter after TS SE116 to read: “TS W239 – NEWMARKET ACCESS ROAD. As part of the development of the former Newmarket Colliery (ES W40A) a new access road will be constructed. This road is required to deliver the level of development proposed for this allocation and to ensure that a means of access is achievable direct from the A642 Aberford Road. The exact route of the access road is unknown at this stage and as such this is a safeguarded alignment and shown on the Proposals Map.” Amend Proposals Map to include safeguarded alignment.
To ensure that a means of access to the site can be provided in accordance with the development plan.[/i
Simply put, the inspector firstly wants to ensure that boundary landscaping to the site allocation is a legal condition in the LDF. As you will know, very extensive landscaping proposals were included in the planning application anyway, so it really changes nothing to what Yorkcourt have already proposed, the LDF inspector just wants to make sure it is a legal LDF condition.
Secondly, the inspector wants to ensure that access to the site is allowed for in the LDF. Again, the planning application shows an access but once again the inspector needs to ensure, within the LDF, that a new access road to the B8 element of the site is a firm legal condition of the LDF so a new access road would have the framework to be given planning even though it would probably have to cross a small area of greenbelt.
I did think that these would be the changes but is great to see them in black & white and confirmed.
The upshot is that WMDC feel (as I did) that the inspector is happy that Newmarket is the best site option to deliver a major part (51ha) of the 95ha of B8 required. As such, this site is 95% there and the other 5% is what WMDC have added to ensure that Newmarket is totally robust to the inspector, based on her comments.
While it is technical possible for the inspector to change the allocation to another site in her final report, it is beyond unlikely to actual happen. Newmarket is almost certain to come out of greenbelt in the adopted LDF.
The report also states the following -
[iAn additional Public Hearing Session will be held, if necessary, by Shelagh Bussey DipTP, DipEM, MA, PhD, MRTPI, the independent planning inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, on 24 May 2012 in Committee Room A County Hall, Wakefield.[/i
So, if she needs to hold a public hearing then it will happen on 24th May. So, a copy of her draft final report to Eric Pickles office before the 30th May is of course very possible....
Told you... the good news just keeps coming!
If anyone wants to look at the document, the link is above and the Chapters that have the Newmarket information in (ES W40A) is 2,3 & 4.