The same as last year I went on my travels to the Catalan game, but whereas last year I went through the Wigan Club via Catalan Dragons, I decided
that this year because I thought I was a seasoned International traveller to book the trip myself. in Liverpool airport on the day of departure I spent a pleasant half hour with Rouges and his lovely wife who were on the trip with Mini Rouges, therefore when it came to finding the departure gate I just tagged along behind them.
The problem started when I landed in Barcelona and had to find the local provider of my transfers, after much panic and running about (I use the phrase loosely)I finally got my transfer to Santa Susanna.
Nothing else could go wrong, what a daft statement to make. On the day of the match I was to be picked up by Catalan sports transfers at 12.30, so at 12 pm I was ready before panic set in when I realised I could not find my match ticked, I searched and searched to no avail.
I said to myself I had come that far I might as well go to the match as in my opinion I could pick one up on the gate, so of I went on the coach to Perpignan with Wigan fans on the coach saying I should be able to pick up a ticket up at the ground.
I got off the coach in the town centre near to the old arch and someone pointed out Dave Fotti to me and they said I should ask him, I approached him
and told him that I had lost my ticket.
His first reaction was to say the match was a sell out, but he went on to say that he had two spare tickets in his car and because his car was parked quite a way off he would have a fair walk to go and get them. He then told me to wait in this little bar at the other side of the arch, what an understatement that was because the area at the other side of the arch was teaming with Wigan fans.
One overriding thing I saw was Bilko stood there towering over other fans with two pints in his hands and this did not seem to change all the time I was there
Within 10 min of arriving at the bar word must have got round and I was approached by several fans expressing concern that I had lost my ticket and they would ask around.
Finally a fan came up to me and produced a ticket and sold one to me at app half price of face value, Dave Fotti appeared back from his car with his tickets
and I would just like to thank him for his efforts.
That 2/3 hours spent around that bar by the arch had a buzz about that I had not seen at a Wigan match for a long time, Mini Rouges gave up his seat
for me so again I had a bit of a chat with Rouges and his wife.
It was most touching that during the time at the bar and even at the match Wigan fans were coming up to me to see if I was ok now that I had a ticket.
So once again thanks again for all the Wigan fans who went out of there way to help me.