EAST HULL 29 seater - £35 a head 49 seater - £25 a head 72 seater - £20 a head
HELL VUE 29 seater - £35 a head 49 seater - £25 a head 72 seater - £20 a head
JERRY'S PLACE 29 seater - £35 a head 49 seater - £25 a head 72 seater - £20 a head
Bottom line, between £35 and £20 a head including minimal donation to the development fund. The "extra" that is charged for the coach goes to either making sure I don't get scorched (yesterday we had 49 people on the fun bus at £15 each...with a few no shows, but after the toll into wales and the tickets for Buck and Dusty....we broke even)
So.......and this is not a booking, just a litmus test.......... who's up for what?
It was brilliant yesterday, even with paddock goading the away day virgins

(....friggin intercity ultras

), but I would recommend that we pick 1 game and try to get 3 coaches filled.
To those who weren't on the welsh bus, it was a class 1, luxury coach with DVD player (note to Steve.......remember the discs next time you numpty), loo and air con......
If we can agree a game to target, I will leverage whatever help I can get from the club with promoting this.
Lastly, I have arranged for an East London pick-up/drop off for an extra £ there again, that's what the little bit of extra cash will go towards.
"Dan staines was god" and the sudcup chewing gum at the back of the bus