I always struggle to enjoy a game when he is in charge. I think we got the majority of the decisions last night, especially in the 1st half, if our attack wasn't to limp we should have put point on them. The amount of messing around at the PTB last night from Wigan was a joke, laying on and interfering. Is it a new rule not to call the captain out no more and swing your arm about? He game his signal just before half time then binned Dudson shortly after the break then nothing after that? Yet Wigan continued to mess about, not allowing quick PTB. Another decision that baffled me was when Tomkins appear to touch the ball dead purposely, in which he thought Wigan would get head and feed but he game the scrum to us? Don't quite understand that one. Amazes me out Child spots tiny knock on's by us at the PTB (rightly so, yet misses blatant strips of the ball then gives possesion back in Wigan's favour. There is another decision that confused me last night, can't remember of the top of my head at the moment, however it wasn't the worst performance I've seen from the official in question yet he is still a topic of conversation after it! Performance topped off when he slipped on his