That Wise Man called David Mark Tarry Stated;
The Marketing Team will demonstrate that they are capable
of and engaged in formulating and delivering exciting promotional activity that works very well in attracting new customers, but is unable to convert them into fans while the key elements remains substandard. As a club we are very proud of the fact that this entire submission, and indeed all marketing material generated - content, editing (print and video), design and production, along with all aspects of new technology integration into the business - is handled in-house to an exceptional standard with no need for outside assistance.
It was felt that it would be irresponsible to invest heavily in the playing squad over the last two years when it has been proven irrefutably that there is limited ability for ROI while situated
at The Willows. Tough decisions had to be taken, and rather than chase unsustainable success and risk the administration route which has been the downfall of many of Rugby League’s great clubs in recent years, as ever, financial prudence and the protection of the future of the club for future generations of supporters had to be our top priority.
2011 sees the Board of Directors bullish and emboldened with renewed confidence for the immediate future and beyond – with the new facility now confirmed and in sight, the risk of investment no longer brings with it the real possibility of liqui- dation for the club, and it is clear from our recruitment for this season that Salford City Reds will no longer be fighting it out at the bottom of the Super League table, but has much greater ambitions than that – ambitions we intend to fulfil not far into the future, but beginning this season and improving year on year from then on.
3) It will host a superior product. Salford City Reds
have no intention of bumping around at the bottom of Super League once we are in our new home. We intend
to challenge at the very top for honours, and believe that within the period of the next licence we will become one of the leading Super League clubs, and a club the entire region will be proud to associate with
Work on all three key drivers is well under way, and stage one is complete by the end of 2011. From there we will improve each year.
Peel and Salford Council are making a massive investment in the new stadium and the Salford City Reds board has made a significant investment in the team and the sport for 2011 – there should be no dispute about that.
The location of the new stadium is known as ‘the gateway to the city’. It is ideal not just because of its visibility thanks to falling in the shadow of one of the busiest stretches of motor- way flyover in the country (250,000 cars every day will be able to see directly into the stadium as they pass by on the motorway) but also because of the magnetic pull of our soon to be neighbours, the Trafford Centre shopping complex.
This retail behemoth attracts 39 million visitors every single year – that’s well over half of the population of the UK - and it will be directly connected to the new stadium site and less than one mile away.
We believe this location and proximity to the Trafford Centre has already been at least partly responsible for assisting the many successful leisure and entertainment businesses that have sprung up in the immediate vicinity, of note being the PlayGolf Experience, JJB Soccerdome, David Lloyd Leisure cen- tre, indoor sky diving centre and of course, the hugely success- ful indoor ski slope Chill FactorE.