Clubb, Dorn, Gafa, Gale, Golden, Grayshon, Heckenberg, Howell, Mbu, McCarthy-Scarsbrook, Melling, Nanyn, Orr, Randall, Robinson, Sharp, Temata, Ward, Wells.
Warrington Wolves squad
Johnson, Gleeson, King, Briers, Monaghan, Morley, Clarke, Rauhihi, L. Anderson, V. Anderson, Higham, Wood, Pickersgill, Cooper, Riley, Grix, Mitchell, Hicks, Harrison.
So still no Haggerty, Williamson and Purdham. I know they be missed in any game,but was hoping we have at least two of them back for this one.
Nanyn and Grayshon to drop out for me. Unless Mac goes mad and decides to play Nanyn as need a kicker