Posted on behalf of Natalie Newton:
As a Leeds Metropolitan University student, I am currently in my third year of study and conducting a piece of research along side Bradford Bulls Rugby Club.
The research will contrast and compare how the development of stadium facilities can benefit the club and the surrounding community. It will also look to identify and evaluate the challenges the club faces during their projects.
I am looking for 8 - 10 volunteers (male & female) to be involved in a focus group to discuss these ideas further. If you would like to take part yourself or if you know of anyone who would be able to take part, this would be a fantastic help.
I have attached an information sheet (see below) which gives further details on the research project.
Thank you for your time, Natalie Newton.
Miss Natalie Newton
To whom it may concern,
As a Leeds Metropolitan University student, I am currently in my third year of study on the Sports Business Management course.
I am undertaking a piece of research as part of my degree and will form a large part of my studies in my third and final year of my degree.
This piece of research developed as a result of contacts established at two Professional Super League Clubs through members of their board of directors. After meeting with both clubs a common theme emerged as one are currently having a new stadium built and the other has been looking to redevelop their facilities for a number of years but faced challenges through funding. Both organisations felt research into the redevelopment projects they were about to embark on would be beneficial to the clubs.
The research will contrast and compare how the development of new facilities; one a completely new build and the other a development of current facilities, can benefit the clubs and the surrounding community. It will also look to identify and evaluate the challenges these clubs face during their projects.
In order to conduct the research I will need to carry out interviews and focus groups with a selected number of people, even though the research may take 12 months to complete your involvement may only be necessary for the interview stage, unless requested otherwise.
To ensure full confidentiality throughout the research identities of the interviewees and participants in focus groups will remain anonymous and will be signed in an agreement with the researcher.
From a health and safety and ethical perspective the research has been approved by Carnegie Research Ethics Committee of Leeds Metropolitan University.
Please let me know if there would be an opportunity to conduct interviews with you
If you require further information please contact me through my details given above.
Yours Sincerely, Natalie Newton
Leeds Metropolitan University – Research Information Sheet
Details of Researcher;
Natalie Newton – Final year student at Leeds Metropolitan University
Details of the Research Project – “Grounds For Research”
You have been invited to take part in a research project which will contrast and compare how the development of new facilities; one a completely new build and the other a development of current facilities, can benefit the clubs and the surrounding community. It will also look to identify and evaluate the challenges these clubs face during their projects.
What does the research require from me?
Your involvement in the research will be in the interview or focus group section, you will be required to answer questions bases on the topic area. Interviews may last up to an hour and will be recorded for transcribing purposes later on in the research. Focus groups may be videoed for further analysis.
Do I have to take part?
No, participation is completely voluntarily and the research will not be undertaken without your consent.
How long will the research take?
The research will form part of my third year studies at university and will cover a twelve month period. However the actually interviews will take place around the beginning of January 2012, with the final report completed by the end of March 2012. Your involvement will not cover the whole 12 months just the interview period.
Will the information I provide be kept confidential?
All the information you provide to the researcher will be kept strictly confidential at all times and so will your identity. Once you have signed the Informed Consent form anonymity will be ensured. No one will see your interview transcript or hear the recorded interview except the researcher and all evidence will be destroyed once the research is complete.
What happens if you wish to withdraw from the research?
You have the right to withdraw from the research at any point and the researcher will respect this decision. You can then decide if you would like the information you have provided so far to be used or discarded.
What will happen to the results of the research study?
The findings from the research conducted will used in a project which will be submitted to a university tutor. You can request a copy of the research findings if you require.
What if I need to know more about the project?
If you feel you require more information about the research project before you agree to be involved please do not hesitate to contact the researcher by email to
What do I do if I have a query or complaint about the research?
You can contact a member of staff from the university to voice your concerns this may be through: Dr. Lisa Ann O’Keeffe, Telephone number: 0113 812 3794, E-mail address:
If I agree to be involved what happens next?
If you are happy to take part in the research and have completed a consent form, I will be in touch shortly to discuss a possible time to hold the interviews or arrange a focus group meeting.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information