Started at 6.00 in the 3 Pigeons, blimey they have a cider on draught which is 7.3%. Met Marrillion Man, RotherhamFevFan, and FevGrinder. spoke to a Fev lad called John, think he was Jonny Deps double and was very surprised how knowledgeable they were about the game. (see footnote)
Think I saw Cushler, I think he was the bloke with long s hair, a beard and a bottle of "tramps " in a brown paper bag.
Had a couple there and then went to the game.
Arrived 5 mins early so not to be rude had a Strongbow.
Stood with my usual crowd, blimey you would have thought the world had ended, by half time I was contemplating suicide, not because of the rugby, because of all the miserable gits around me.
Felt so bad, went to the South Stand bar for a drink, run out of Strongbow, had to have a Lager. A Lager?
Suicide watch.
Got a bag of chips on the way back to the terrace. Plenty of chilli sauce, mint sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, salt pepper and vinegar.
Tastes bloody horrible but it stops tight ars"s pinching your chips.
Second Half, as Tony Blair said "Things can only get better".
No wonder he got sacked.
Two more Lagers, Lagers?
Can't stand the thing, but it's better than oxo.
Game over, up stairs to the entertainment suite, couple of Magners, they don't have Strongbow, but at least it's not Lager, Lager?
Listened to the speeches, DP, very articulate, blimey, Robbo, man of the match, his reward, a Villa in the South of France? Well perhaps a weekend away for four? A bottle of Champagne? Yes you've guessed it.
12 bottles of Lager. Lager? (Super League yer avin a laff)
Next up, hit man, Manning, now great player, but he would never pass the "yes, no interlude" His reward? 2 bottles of lager, Lager?
When no one was watching Karl had ripped open Robbo's "award" and took the first 3 for himself and offered the others around. Didn't offer me one, but he probably knew I don't like Lager. Lager?
So left the venue, what a great night.
The moral of the story, enjoy.
It's not the end of the world,
It's a game.
Come on, let's not post what? about 6 pages about how poor we are, I believe, we will win something this year, Lets be positive
From Mike Riley and the board, to Karl and all the coaching staff to the players, none of them were happy, but it will get better.
Please keep the faith.
I promised you a footnote.
I said "very surprised how knowledgeable they were about the game". (see footnote) "
Blimey, have you seen them?