Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Opinions differ, you don't need to get offensive.'"
So you are saying people's differing opinions should be respected without the need for insults. What's all this about then:
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"You are a really peach, arn't you!
It's sad acts like you, who should be banned from this board. Grow the hell up.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"you are a pathetic and rubbish troll'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Did you have to work hard at being this condescending and self absorbed, or does it come naturally?'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Ha ha, what ever pal. Go PM FC Andy,you could share tips on how to look more desperate.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"icon_surprised.gifops:
ha ha Legohead, you really are pathetic. If your going to troll, please become more efficient or at least funny.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Ha ha ha ha your pathetic, a media whore? At least our club is receptive to the media, unlike you, under Rule the dummy spitter. Morgan is a great coach You would kill to have a coach of Morgans ability.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Matty_HullFC in: "I make a pr/ck of myself and then try to make out I was trying to wind you up" shocker
Pathetic to say the least!'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"And how the love would you know, you know absolutely fook all, you just proved it. Aren't you the one on the FC forum telling everyone Orford is nailed on for you next season? I hope you are as accurate about that, as you are about Dobson. Come to think of it, it doesn't even really matter, Orford won't save FC (even if you do get him), the rot is from the top and with out them you have no club. Vicious circle I feel, its a bitch ain't it.
Now, stop taking your frustrations about your poop team and poop board out on us poor little Robins and go take a well earned valium'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"And your a t1t.Your so far up your own booty it's unreal and that is the last I have to say on the matter.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"You black and whites are priceless! Add that to bitter and deluded and we are starting to form an accurate picture.
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin"Exactly, but the moron you responded to does not have the brains to figure that out.'"
Quote Reenyrobin="Reenyrobin" Grow TFU or get an education, one or the two.'"
TBF Reeny, your posts are a bit schizophrenic. I think we all know why that might be if someone you know makes a habit of posting under your username.