Exciting ...
Incidentally not too many years ago we had some part say in what we thought looked a good strip, and more to the point what we might buy.
Still, if people want a pork pie in the real world, it makes good sense to offer them a meat and potato pie instead.
Moral ... know your market.
That knowledge comes from a bit of market research.
Perhaps we did that, but I never heard anything about it if we did.
By the way DonsNews, I think it is great that you are using this forum to keep us informed.
That is sensible practice.
One thing I would say though to help you in your new job is that this forum is a two way street. It can be used as a bulletin board, which is how you are using it, but it can also be used as a market research tool (albeit using a small sample).
Now I wouldn't expect you to read all of the posts on here to get a view on anything, and take my advice don't enter into any debates, but you could ask questions, present questionnaires, do polls etc to help you in your job.
Just a thought.
Then we might think we had some say in policy, however small.
The ball is in your court.
It's a funny shaped ball so be careful.