Quote R.B.A="R.B.A"A Cas official told me that Chase had signed for St George. To be fair the story broke in the media after i posted it on here so there was obviously something in it. He was certainly never coming to Hull.
I've no reason to doubt the person who told me that Hull had spoken to Sammut.
If Tom Briscoe had a choice tomorrow between playing for Hull or Leeds which do you think he would choose?'"
I don't bother to come on here much these days to refute or agree with what goes on, but quite frankly I could at this point say that its strange that Chase was NEVER coming here, when I saw him down at Hulls training facility, he wasn't training but he was there, what was that all about then, his sat nav malfunctioned? If you ask our coach face to face he will tell you he was ringing him up every other day to see what progress was being made.
As for Sammut we were all told by not just Pearson, not just Gentle not just McRae but all three that we have never been after him, perhaps however your right and they're all liars? Then there is the last one you threw in about Briscoe to Leeds well I thought you might have been a bit more creative and original with that one judging by the past history between the Clubs in that direction and your "Who do you think he would chose arguement" is shifting the ground already from "he's going to Leeds". Sounds a lot to me like a bit of "Now where would the Hull fans least like him to go" to me! Then there's Radford!
You see I couldn't be bothered to go on your board or indeed anyone elses and start slagging teams off and making things up and as a Moderator I thought you might know better, but alas thats obviously not the case and your just another sad troll, still I live in hope and perhaps when you have some positive news about Hull FC from your obviously reliable sources you will give us it with your usual aplomb.... but somehow I doubt it!