Quote east hull FC fan="east hull FC fan"You're not daft enough to think I meant that literally, are you? The others I have reservations about, but not you.'"
You're not daft enough to take my response literally, are you?
But no, if you mean do I think you literally meant Yeaman gets to choose, no. But I do think it sounds like you're suggesting Yeaman's experience and past performances should keep him at the top of the pecking order regardless of current performances by him and others and what might serve the team better. That I disagree with. Neither do I agree with what seemed to be an intimation that Crooks should remain cover choice on the basis of inexperience. If he performs well enough, he should have as much right as anyone to claim the position.
Going back to what I mentioned earlier about Yeaman first claiming the left centre spot, he started that season as 3rd choice centre, and then got his first crack on the right side with Barnett's illness. Then he moved to the left with Eagar's arm break. When Eagar came back he had to play on the right as Yeaman had played well in his absence and it was felt he offered us more there. Now I'm not saying that I think Crooks is there quite yet, but I don't think it's right to rule it out, either. The day may well be coming soon.
Quote east hull FC fan="east hull FC fan"I understand your reasoning with Westerman, but he's been by far our best 2nd rower. Yeaman, even when he's not playing particularly well, is by far better than Crooks or Arundel in defence alone.'"
Better in defence only, though, probably. And at the start of this season not as much as usual IMO.
Quote east hull FC fan="east hull FC fan"Gentle has also alluded to not playing players out of position, playing on the other side of the pitch is just the same. Crooks has played right and left, maybe he's more comfortable on the right than Yeaman?'"
Maybe he is, but you're guessing (as would most of us be) This is exactly why I said I think it's a judgement call for Gentle and I won't complain either way, both prefer the left and Gentle is in the best position to see which way would be in the best interests of the team.
Quote east hull FC fan="east hull FC fan"Who knows, but I'd be shocked if Yeaman didn't go straight back on the left.'"
I agree, but I'd have no complaints if he didn't.