Quote: dum-dum "I sat up and watched that, quite weird and I didn't get where it was going.
I do watch some right rubbish when I'm between working nights and days, sometimes watch 3 or 4 films back to back from the planner or anytime, People talk about them and I think "oooh I've seen that" but I get the films all mixed up and confuse my friends, they sit there thinking they've missed pinnacle parts of films.
There is a film on at the moment, I watched it last year, "The Happening", It's absolutely ridiculous but intensely chilling, look out for it.'"
Do you recommend "The Happening"?, I haven't seen a chilling film since I watched "Stair of Echoes" years and years ago.
I did watch The Other Guys recently. It's very watchable but only because I ding Will Ferrell quite hilarious.