Bloke walks into a bar and orders a pint, whilst waiting he notices a big fish tank stuffed with £10 notes so asks the bar man what it is.
Barman says "Ah that's the pub challenge money"
So bloke asks whats involved
"Well give us a tenner and I'll tell you"
Bloke hands the tenner over and the barman tells him "You can win the contents if you complete the 3 challenges, as follows first of all you've gotta down a bottle of whiskey in one go, then go out back and the pub rottweiler has a bad tooth that needs pulling but he's a vicious bugger, and last of all you need to go upstairs and give the landlords 90 year old randy mother a seeing too"
Bloke says right hand us the whiskey, does it in one then staggers out towards the back, barman hears all this screaming barking and yelping and after 10 minutes the bloke staggers back in covered in blood and scratches and chunks bitten out of him and slurrs to the barman
"Now wheres this old woman with a bad tooth?"