Quote: PopTart "A post just popped up on my Facebook from 11 years ago
"yeah, planning permission granted on Trinity ground"'"
Yes 11 years, quite an eventful time with lots of false dawns and broken promises, perhaps things are starting to move a little now, 2 more new documents today, only 2 pages each.
They don’t say a lot, they just appear to tie up with the recent documents that have appeared on the plot 8 application recently. Are the developers, and Council finally tying up the loose ends?
Consultee Details
Name: Public Rights of Way Wakefield Council
Address: Wakefield One, Burton Street, Wakefield WF1 2EB Email: Not Available
On Behalf Of: Public Rights Of Way
The comments previously made are relevant to the revised layout. The Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) / National Cycle Network Route 67 is adjacent to the southern boundary of the site and is a multi- user route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. In the absence of evidence to the contrary there is an unrecorded public right of way from Meadowfield Rise adjacent to the south western corner of the site.
The additional western 3m wide footpath /cycle path to be provided, linking Newmarket Lane to the TPT, should have a tarmac surface for its full length. The Transport and Infrastructure plan 3.6 and the Transport Assessment addendum 2 - 3.8 refer to this path as a Hoggin-style footpath although other plans show it as tarmac.
The revised documents continue to refer to a pass gate on the bridge connecting the western footpath/cyclepath link to the Trans Pennine Trail. In the interests of accessibility the pass gate on this bridge is not required. Further information is required as to the future maintenance responsibility for the footpath/cycle path and the bridge. If the bridge is to be maintained by the Council then it will require approval to CG300 from the Council's Bridges Team. A commuted sum will be required for future maintenance of the bridge/cycle path.
The Visual Impact Assessment and revised photo montages indicate that the development has a substantial adverse visual impact on the TPT due to the proximity of the Trail on the southern boundary of the site. There are also other visual impacts on the wider path network. The proposed mitigation of this impact on the TPT and PROW network are noted. The revised Landscape
strategy 1.18 - 1.20 outlines the southern landscape buffer zone planting to mitigate the impact. It is important that the existing trees adjacent on the Trans Pennine Trail and those on the southern boundary are retained.
Regarding the proximity of the path at Meadowfield Rise and the TPT, should planning permission be granted I would be grateful if you could include the following informative: The footpath adjacent to the site and Trans Pennine Trail should not be disturbed or obstructed at any time.
We would like a contribution to improve the TPT at this location as part of the sustainable transport link to the site, including mitigation works to reduce the visual impact of the development.
Consultee Comment
Consultee Details
Name: Wakefield Council Drainage
Address: Create, Wakefield One, Burton Street, Wakefield WF1 2EB Email: Not Available
On Behalf Of: Drainage Section (WMDC)
Since the Lead Local Flood Authoritys (LLFA) previous response dated 4 January 2021, the layout of the development and the proposals for the watercourse diversion and surface water attenuation have changed.
The watercourse diversion was questioned in the previous consultation response. Further detail of the line and level of the watercourse diversion is required. The site sections show attenuation pond 2 to be below the level of the diverted watercourse and there is a proposed bund between the watercourse and the pond. It must be demonstrated that there will be not detrimental effect of the watercourse on the attenuation ponds or vice versa.
Please note that a consent for works affecting a watercourse will be required from the LLFA which is separate to the planning process.
The surface water runoff rate should be restricted to 3.5 l/s/ha, giving a total allowable runoff rate of 26 l/s. The attenuation ponds as proposed have sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional volume required due to this change.
Further construction details of the attenuation ponds are required, but this information could be conditioned if the watercourse issues described above been resolved.
A construction phase surface water management plan is required.
Steve Lister
Senior Engineer - Development Flood Risk Land Drainage & Flood Risk Management Highways & Transport Services
Communities, Environment & Climate Change Wakefield Council
07766 367753
slister@wakefield.gov.uk www.wakefield.gov.uk