Quote: Sesquipedalian "The £200K quote is an old out of date one, AG announced last year that we were now running at a small profit.'"
Firstly, that is GOOD news that we are making a profit.
Secondly, isn't it bad form by the WE to have 'inaccuracies' portrayed about the business of WTW. Whilst we still have a load of armchair supporters around / inactive support, then we need to make sure that these inaccuracies don't occur in the press, its not going to get them on board if they think the club is still a failing concern.
It is possible that objectors to NM may pounce on a perceived 'failing business' and say that an investment in a facility is not necessary if they are not making a profit. As we ARE making money and are a sustainable business we are in a position of strength with regard to NM, and the WE trying to give credence to an out of date statement of position is NOT what the NM project needs in my opinion.