It's fair enough if you think nobody can judge a player after four games. The fact here is that is what I have to go off, plus a scattering of NRL appearances. I was just offering an honest opinion to supporters of the club he's joining. I don't think I said anything truly awful and was hopeful that he'd do well for you. I understand the tribal mentality of taking the side of your club/coach. I've done the same thing. In fact, I did the same thing when Hasson arrived at Salford. I was a little baffled by the signing but gave Watson/Salford the benefit of the doubt. Turns out it wasn't a good fit for either Hasson or the club.
All I was doing, vastman, was offering an opinion. I'm not bothered either way what you think of it. After all, he may be the next best thing for you and turn out to be the buy of the season.
He'll definitely have a blinder against us in the super 8's, guaranteed!