I also liked the Hive. Albeit small, a nice little stadium. IMO we brought about 650 fans which is great. Reckon they had about 200-250 & a little bit of exaggeration for it not to be the first 3 figure crowd.
We did a job and put points on the board. Collis shows why he is a must and I think we now have the ability to get it to him quicker giving him more space to manoeuvre. Mathers took his tries well and in any game to score 4 is outstanding! Half backs are causing all sorts of problems!! One on one strips, intercepts, taking on the line, short and long passes, and a threat from both sides of the field. Up front we really do have some fire power in Anderson, Scruton, Tautai, Smith with Ali and Kirmond always a threat. Kirmonds not hit his heights yet IMO but that's not to say he's playing poor as he's always solid and a danger with ball in hand. It's a compliment that he's doing a good job but we know what he's got in his locker. Looks to have niggly injuries too. Wildie spelling Mcshane seems to be working.
All in all we should be pleased with our last two performances. Over 100 points in offence is good playing any teams and we are starting to click. The coaching staff won't be happy with conceding 4 tries and I'm sure defending patterns will be looked at on the video. There's always something to improve in any team. As a few others have mentioned if we can improve our defence by another 20/30% and attack with the vigour we have been displaying we should be a match for most teams.
A performance against St Helen's and a win against KR and ill be happy