Quote leroytrintiy="leroytrintiy"Exactly, you're not a fan, so why put all this time and effort in?
I mean no offense as you have put a lot of work in. But whats the point? You've seen wakey's luck over the years, the new stadium probably isn't going to happen, we all know it really.
You are just coming across as desperate mate, you want this more than the REAL fans. I'll still come down Tuesday to show my support, but I can't see light at the end of the tunnel at moment
Thanks for your post and the answer is simple!
1) I live in Stanley, less than a mile from the site, I think both the wider development and the stadium are suitable for this site and important to this area and the whole of Wakefield, jobs, community sports facilities and the stadium. I will continue to support the development of this site irrespective, ok, it might not be quite as vigorous and having something to lose as a father and local person, the community sports facilities, is making me fight harder.
2) I earn my living (and always have earned my living) as a professional in construction industry. I am a Structural Engineer by profession and now earn my living within a specialised field of the timber industry within construction. Having worked on many of these sorts of scheme back in my Consulting Engineering days, it would be hypocritical or me not to be pro-development (if the site is indeed right!) in general and even more so on my doorstep... I am not a NIMBY!
Before you ask the likelihood of me and my company ever gaining financial from this scheme currently is slim, and only one small element of the project would be of interest to us (and not the part of the company I manage either) and that would be the hotel. Even then it would only be of interest if they were proposing to construct it using a timber frame solution, which is outside my influence or control.
3) I was angered by the approach of the main people driving the objection group, not them objecting, but the means they used and continue to use to solicit wider objection, made up emotive group names, hiding behind those groups to conceal your true reasons for objecting, half truths and lies (in my opinion of course, just for libel reasons!).
4) I have strong sense of civic and community duty, I am an ex President of Wakefield Junior Chamber (JCI Wakefield) and national President of British Junior Chamber (JCI UK) and every year I participate in many local charity events in an organizational capacity. I am also a school governor of a Wakefield Primary school.
5) I am an RL fan born in Wakefield but support another club for very legitimate historic reasons.
6) I have started so I intend to finish, so to speak! I have found myself getting in deeper as time as progressed and I have become ever more emotional invested in this process!
7) I have knowledge of the process and enjoying showing it (even when I am wrong!)
Finally, I had some very good news this morning and with any look I might be able to share it with you on Tuesday!
Is that enough reasons? I have a few more but thought that might be enough for now!
See you on Tuesday!