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| Quote Fylde_Warrior="Fylde_Warrior"That is not what the post said Rogues. You ignored what you did not want to face, the TRUTH, that Wigan RLFC would have been bought by somebody else has IL not wanted the opportunity.
However just to play ball with you; I, YOU, EVERYBODY here commits a much bigger % of their income towards Wigan RLFC. IL will walk away from Wigan whenever making a profit and costing him nothing. IL like most owners wants to have his 15 minutes of fame and a 'toy' for no cost and the satisfaction he gains cannot be replicated by investing such a small % of his income elsewhere.
Who invested / invest more in RL, IL or Arthur Thomas / David Hughes ?'"
So who would have bought Wigan?
Why didn't they?
Did they want it on the cheap?
Would they have put more money in than IL?
IL has the right to put HIS money where he wants. The % is irrelevant.
Is the club in a better position now than when he came?
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| Quote Wigan Peer="Wigan Peer"is the lack of quality games Wigan's fault, or the fault of some of the rubbish that turns up to play us... Just a thought. Is that IL's fault?'"
I am glad you agree that the competition is rubbish. By doing so ask yourself what is the achievement, what is it worth? You know the answer, the number of sponsors banging on the day clamouring to sponsor events for millions know the answer.
If owners like the DR come along and want to invest vast sums (provided the accept liability themselves) then IL becomes part of the problem not the solution by blocking investment and clubs getting better and SL becoming a better competition.
If an owner emerged who wanted to invest a few million in London then I see nothing wrong with London having no salary cap. Again providing that investor accepts liability.
What is your solution, to keep dothing your cap whilst SL declines.
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| Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"So who would have bought Wigan?
Why didn't they?
Did they want it on the cheap?
Would they have put more money in than IL?
IL has the right to put HIS money where he wants. The % is irrelevant.
Is the club in a better position now than when he came?'"
You like avoiding questions Rogues particularly when they relate to your 'better' IL
Other investors were mentioned at the time. Do you think Wigan would have remained unsold if IL had not existed? We both no the answer is NO Everybody wanted Wigan on the cheap including IL, IL has not put any money into Wigan RLFC, his initial purchase investment will be recovered as/when he sells and AT a profit.
You Rogues, I, everybody here commits more to Wigan RLFC as a % of our wealth than IL has ever done, whatsmore in terms of other owners IL compares poorly against Hughes at London, Thomas at Leigh/Wigan/Saints, Fulton at Cas
Why should IL try to stop people like the DR provided they accept personal liability from building a RL club in Manchester. Do Salford fans not deserve some success? or are we happy to say we are now set up, screw you Dr, we have a League hotbed to feed from, screw you London.
IL is not a philanthropist. Rich people buy 'toys' be it a super car, a holiday retreat, a sports club. Do you doth your cap Rogues when you see IL? before visiting the toilet 
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| P.S Rogues. Runcorn were profitable. Austerity produces profits in a bank but nothing else.
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| Quote Fylde_Warrior="Fylde_Warrior"I am glad you agree that the competition is rubbish. By doing so ask yourself what is the achievement, what is it worth? You know the answer, the number of sponsors banging on the day clamouring to sponsor events for millions know the answer.
If owners like the DR come along and want to invest vast sums (provided the accept liability themselves) then IL becomes part of the problem not the solution by blocking investment and clubs getting better and SL becoming a better competition.
If an owner emerged who wanted to invest a few million in London then I see nothing wrong with London having no salary cap. Again providing that investor accepts liability.
What is your solution, to keep dothing your cap whilst SL declines.'"
Such a condescending attitude, i don't bow to anybody..... Do you really believe there are stacks of Dr's out there willing to throw money at rugby League.... Its not money coming into RL that would be the problem, its the clubs who will sit and moan and do nothing, they have been the cause of the current situation. You are directing your ire at the wrong people.
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| IF IL sells Wigan at a profit, good luck to him. He can only do that if Wigan are successful, which I am sure we all want to see (or there is some mug who is starry eyed)
Put the season tickets up and see what happens, the moaners on here will have a field day.
I don't have a problem with IL selling players at a profit, providing that money is invested wisely back into the club, that's business.
The better players in the U16 side are NOT from the Wigan area, so how do we fund the scouting/recruitment of these juniors. Do we honestly believe we wave the we are Wigan flag in their faces?
Ryan Hampshire is the outstanding talent in the U19's, from Wakefield, Rob Lever is from St. Helens. Bradley Mais is from Wales etc etc. This is where the money was and should be invested.
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| I really cant believe the attitude of some who want things to stay as they are. Players are now getting paid far less in real terms than 10 years ago and the way that some people are talking they would be quite happy for the salary cap to stay at its current level forever with young players being paid peanuts and being treated as cannon fodder. Others are talking like average players like Tuson dont deserve more in pay because it wont make them a better player and that only star players or 1 marquee player deserves a raise. Does the same apply to them in their jobs? Have they had pay cuts for 10 years in a row? I would actually welcome players going out on strike to get the salary cap lifted or abolished. If we wait until the bottom clubs catch up then the salary cap will never be increased because we have had 10 years and if anything they are now further away.
People talk about attracting sponsors and corporates but a race to the bottom certainly wont do that. The big sponsors and companies want top be associated with a quality product, paying players peanuts, having no stars and having teams made up of kids certainly wont do this. If Koukash wants to plough millions into Rugby League then good on him, the game certainly needs the money and I am sure a few clubs would welcome the transfer fees that may come their way. If Moran wishes to do the same by some sort of sponsorship deal then fair play to him. Who knows this may encourage over benefactors too to come into the game. The game has to raise across the board in just about everything that it does and it certainly isnt going to do this with the salary cap in place as it is now.
In Super League today to cut costs we dont have a proper reserve competition and squads are way too small because of the salary cap meaning that after a few injuries kids are played, many of which are no where near ready, which constantly means a huge reduction in playing standards and intensity. This is only going to get worse with experienced players going to the NRL and being replaced by even more youngsters who in general wont be as good and may not even be ready. Some people are living in a fantasy world where we are just competing with fellow Super League clubs when we are not at all, we are competing with RU and the NRL.
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| Quote Fylde_Warrior="Fylde_Warrior"You Rogues, I, everybody here commits more to Wigan RLFC as a % of our wealth than IL has ever done'"
Really? Jesus Christ the average Wigan fan must be seriously skint then.
Going off Wigan's 2011 accounts the club owed its parent company (Lenegan Holdings or something like that) about £1.5m ie the amount of Lenegan's wealth he has put into the club under that one heading let alone the money he paid to Whelan and in paying off Whelan's loans to the club. Now Lenegan is no Abramovich and that represents a serious amount of his total wealth.
I'm sure many know I'm no big fan of Lenegan and certain decisions he actively supported but quite honestly some of the rubbish you are spouting on here is unbelievable. You don't have a clue how lucky you are to have Lenegan in charge of your club.
ps stop can people please stop including Moran in the "old boys club"
pps can we see how much Koukash spends before buying into his self-publicity.
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| Quote Albion="Albion"It is the incredibly insular people within RL like Ian Lenagan, Gary Hetherington and Adam Pearson that will ultimately be the death of RL in this country.
That article is a complete nonsense, especailly this part:
“WE have no problem with the salary cap at all,” the Warriors chairman said.
“I don’t think it should go up. I'M perfectly comfortable with it. WE'RE not having a problem with it.
“Why would I want to pay more money than WE are?
It's all about what happens at Wigan: that is such a damaging way to look at situations like this. '"
I think that is pretty astute. Wigan can exist at the top end of the SL despite losses to the NRL and despite the fact wages have dropped in real terms for years and we just can't compete with for the best players. Some will be happy with this if we win a CC or GF ignoring being the best in a poor competition is not indicative of a healthy sport.
As I have said IL has done a lot right here. Building up the Orrell facility and plenty of other things such as having the vision to give Madge the coaching job. However when it comes to wider issues of the sport in general he is falling short IMO and does not seem progressive. I don't expect him to fund an increased saalry cap out of his own pocket but I do expect him to work to find funds to increase it, not asking what why would he want to pay more money. The answer to that is obvious.
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| Nobody's asking for it to stay the same. What we all want is more investment from the RFL. The game cannot sustain 14 teams.
They screwed up with the Stobart deal, we have no major sponsor.
Fylde_Warrior complains about doffing the cap but then wants to Dr K to have a free hand to spend as much as he wants. Salford fans will be on bended knee.
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| Quote Paul Youane="Paul Youane"Really? Jesus Christ the average Wigan fan must be seriously skint then.
Going off Wigan's 2011 accounts the club owed its parent company (Lenegan Holdings or something like that) about £1.5m ie the amount of Lenegan's wealth he has put into the club under that one heading let alone the money he paid to Whelan and in paying off Whelan's loans to the club. Now Lenegan is no Abramovich and that represents a serious amount of his total wealth.
I'm sure many know I'm no big fan of Lenegan and certain decisions he actively supported but quite honestly some of the rubbish you are spouting on here is unbelievable. You don't have a clue how lucky you are to have Lenegan in charge of your club.
ps stop can people please stop including Moran in the "old boys club"
pps can we see how much Koukash spends before buying into his self-publicity.'"
Just out of interest, what is Lenegan's total wealth?
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| Quote Famous="Famous" Some people are living in a fantasy world where we are just competing with fellow Super League clubs when we are not at all, we are competing with RU and the NRL.'"
Based on the quotes in the article IL falls into the first category.