Second half
40:55 - Leuluai's kick right down the throat of Brett Hodgson. Our long kicking game has been awful.
41:47 - Joel Tomkins (now playing at centre) caught well out of position. Cudjoe steps inside to the covering defence, offloads, but Pat Richards palms it back to Mark Riddell.
42:31 - Markers not square - Wigan penalty on 40 metre mark.
43:32 - Deacon chips over looking for Joel/Pat but Cudjoe comes away with it.
44:34 - Great scoot from Leuluai who offloads superbly to Chris Tuson
45:08 - High kick dealt with by David Hodgson. Huddersfield penned in their own half.
46:06 - Poor kick from Brough collected by Pryce. However the run back from Pryce sums him up completely. As soon as contact is made he freezes and goes down like a sack of spuds.
46:58 - Brilliant kick from Leuluai behind Hodgson. Pryce/Marsh tackle him behind the goal line. Phil Clarke criticises the laboured chace from Karl Pryce. Justified IMO it was very laboured jog compared to Marsh who sprinted for it. Lucky it was a good kick?
47:38 - Interesting incident. Keith Mason all over Fielden, round his neck, throws his hand in his face. Fielden slaps at him. Meanwhile Tomkins was distracted and chucked a poor ball to Lockers who knocked on. I have to say, job done Keith Mason.
48:42 - The last time Huddersfield try a kick to Pat Richards who easily plucks it out the air. So reliable!
49:26 - Deacon makes a fantastic long kick. Went for a 40/20 but the bounce wasn't kind. Hodgson (Brett) looks like he has knocked on. Went back according to Mr B.
50:04 - Superb kick behind Pryce from Brown. Hodgson collects, but Pryce grabs him and Hodgson knocks on.
50:36 - Another superb offload from Fielden finds Deacon whose tackled. Great field position.
50:49 - Superb kick from Lockers. Hodgson knocks on and Tomkins looks to have ground it. Video referee decision. NO TRY - Correct decision.
52:20 - Kick to the corner behind Pryce who slaps it over the line. Did the right thing.
54:20 - Great Huddersfield play. Lawrence on the inside, throws the ball back, Fielden knocks it forward and Cudjoe scored.
55:49 - Knock on Fa'alago in his own half.
57:13 - Kick from Lockers, Richards goes for it, but Cudjoe knocks it out. Great play from both players. Cudjoe has impressed me.
58:12 - Great run from Fielden, but chucks a poor ball to Farrell who knocks on. All the pressure lifted off.
59:34 - Hodgson beats KP for pace, kicks back on the inside, Robinson comes up with it and scores. Criticism of Pryce for hanging around justified IMO. WTF was he doing?
61:51 - Superb kick. Wigan under pressure now on their own line.
62:33 - Pressure kick from Deacon right down the throat of Hodgson
63:30 - Long ball from Robinson plucked out the air from Richards.
63:44 - Eddie nearly creams as Sam Tomkins scores one of the tries of the season. Been brilliant all game Tomkins. Someone on here once told me Tomkins wasn't quick enough for fullback.
66:36 - Sam Tomkins goes for a 40/20 - Hodgson covers.
68:05 - Tomkins kicks and it's fielded by Hodgson.
69:05 - Stupid penalty from Harrison Hansen for a ball steal. Personally I couldn't see it.
70:23 - Inch perfect kick from Danny Brough and Cudjoe scores. Like I've said that lad impressed me. No pressure at all though on Brough.
73:02 - Charge down from Farrell. Somehow he gives us possession at the scrum. Chance.
73:54 - Chris Tuson throws a silly ball and Liam Farrell knocks on.
74:49 - Bentham gives a hilarious penalty. OFFSIDE AGAINST WIGAN! Anyone who has been watching the game would know that Huddersfield were offside many times during the game. Bizarre decision.
75:40 - Lee Gilmour knocks on.
75:46 - 11 Wigan fans leave the ground.
76:44 - Composure goes out the window and Pryce ends up with it and kicks the air.
78:19 - Stefan Marsh makes a brilliant break, but chucks an awful pass on the ground. Hodgson ends up with it.
79:17 - Superb Wigan defence. Turnover. Last chance.
79:52 - Chris Tuson knocks on.
80:00 - Game Over.