Quote: "What will education do tho? It almost falls into the realms of speed awareness courses i.e people go on the course and ultimately forget about them after a few days later. In many ways they take the course as it's soft option Vs real punishment.
Let's be realistic - if a person is racist, homophobic etc then sitting in a classroom for a couple of weeks isn't going to change their outlook on life.'"
You call it realistic
I say that if a person goes on a speed awareness course to "Only" find the easiest soft option then that speaks more about the person involved than it does about the society we want.
I would suggest that a Lot of people take the speed awareness course and LEARN from it
If they don't they will soon be back there and you don't get a 2nd chance and the punishment is greater and could include a Ban etc or worse if they keep reoffending?
other option
Do nothing - How does that help?
Sack him (The equivalent of lock him up throw away the Key) - Good luck with that, and to don't be surprised if there were multiple ramifications from that type of outlook
Your also saying if a person is racist as if it is a (No pun intended here honest) Black & White subject, it isn't - It is a much more nuanced situation with many angles and grey areas, I wouldn't call myself racist, have I made mistakes yes, but I would call them clumsy honest mistakes rather than deliberate ones. There has to be a way back from such situations rather than immediately saying You're a racist and forever will be one.
I had the unfortunate misfortune of being part of a WhatsApp group for a Last Man Standing (Football thing to win money) which has over a hundred people in it.
Last night after the 8 match announcement you had the noisiest people on that group shouting the loudest from the Right Wing/Left Wing of the subject. I.e. He's done nowt wrong, you can't say anything these days, lefty Snowflakes on one side to the "It's the worst thing in the world, Zero tolerance etc. Brigade on the other
The truth lies in-between and the silent majority are probably not too far away with their thoughts in the middle but just can't be bothered discussing with idiots from wither side.
it's a delicate situation
I wouldn't; expect someone who does 35 in a 30 to get the same punishment as someone who's stole a car, and is doing 100mph with dangerous intentions - Whilst both are technically Speeding there is a world of difference between the two - But some want to implement say a Zero tolerance side of the argument - Whilst others will say Bloody Hell haven't the Police got better things to do than worry about someone going a bit over the speed limit - Neither is right to apply the same punishment to both offences.
I saw a Hull fan saying how can Liam Farrell get away with a head high tackle when Connor gets sin binned and a subsequent ban
If that person can't see the difference between the two that's their problem no matter how loud they shout
Someone wanted Havard (I think they called him Havant) suspended the same as the guy from Leeds for a shoulder charge after the ball had gone
If that person can't see the difference between the two that's their problem no matter how loud they shout
"IF" Clubb has held his hands up and apologised, Owned his mistake and wants to learn from it then he deserves the chance to do so and the club should help him with that.