I have just priced up flights, as follows:
Saturday 15/02/14 1320hrs from Manchester, lands in Dubai 16/02/14 0030hrs (7h 10m flight).
80 minute wait until flight departs from Dubai 0150hrs 16/02/14, lands in Sydney 2230hrs 16/02/14 (13h 40m flight)
1505hrs 01/03/14 (Saturday), lands in Singapore 1955hrs (7h 50m flight).
75 minute wait until flight departs 2110hrs 01/03/14, lands in Dubai 0100hrs 02/03/14 (again 7h 50m flight)
120 minute wait until flight departs 0300hrs 02/03/14, lands in Manchester 0705hrs Sunday March 2nd 2014.
In summary, 2 weeks off work, and total travel times of 22h 10m outbound, 27h inbound, or 49h 10m in total
Price for 2 adults and 1 x nine year old : £2389:45 inc taxes, etc.
I am being given a house for the 2 weeks in Sydney, 3 bedroomed, owned by my Uncle who is ironically flying home to England for a holiday in February 2014 so we may have a spare room for a small fee