I miss watching the way we played under Maguire. The high completion, low error, grind it out at all costs philosophy that frustrated the hell out of our opposition players, coaches and fans.
I still scratch my head at why you changing a trophy winning formula. That showed no signs of being found out or tactically out thought. Tweaking of that formula I can appreciate and understand. But fundamental changes to a style that won us trophy's in 2010 and 2011, for no apparent reason. Pig headed in my book, nothing more nothing less.
It's one of the reasons for my absence on this forum in recent times.
Even the players game smarts and rugby brains don't seem quite as clinical as they did under Madge.
Never the less I'll continue to support the players through thick and thin no matter what, because as a fan that's what you do. Just when I clap, I won't clap happy.