What a great thread to make my first post on!!! There's too many CP memories. Some epic, some hilarious, some emotional... here's the first ones that came to mind.
Wigan v Manly... Still the greatest game ever, I was on the wall at the back of the old (pre Whitbread/Boston) stand. The noise and atmosphere would blow any grand final away.
- Watching such a range of wins, from 92-2 batterings to 2-0 mind-numbing knock-on fests.
- Martin Dermott's testimonial football match with random 'celebs'.
- Super Kel behaving like a spawning salmon.
- Kevin Ward breaking his leg (holy jeeesus it was a bad one).
– The beautiful echoing dulcet tones of 'Two-thousand pounds Gordon.'
– Stood in icy mid-winter in the Douglas Stand with your knackers freezing off supping a nice cool wobbly pint.
– Fights and tackles that would see players slammed into the boards right in front of you.
– 'Westy Westy give us a wave, Westy, give us a wave'.... followed by 'Yeaaahhh' or the rare 'Boooooo'.
- The old entry music... dit-dit-diddle-diddle dat-dat daa-daa... Aaaaargh!!!
And the players... Kiss, Goodway, Platt, Gill, Lydon, Preston, Edwards, Greg, Hampo, Blake, Shelford, The Iro Bros, Farrell, Miles, Inga, Robinson, Connelly, Paul, Offiah, Botica, Panapa, Skerrett, Cowie, Radders... the list goes on and on. One thing is certain, Wigan have had some of the best players on the planet play on that pitch.
Eeee, it's brought a tear to my eye I tell thee.