Quote orangeman="orangeman"Christ on a bike. I hope not. I despair with this club.....inability to appoint key personnel who are qualified for their roles....there's a list of car crash appointments as long as my arm.....Hughes gets lucky from time to time, but in the main he's crap at recruitment.'"
Lenagan Leaves: He agrees to throw 2 years of cash at us as he departs.....
2007 Paul Brown joins as CEO. A RL man through and Through
2007 Keith Hogg becomes Chairman after advising the Broncos for a couple of years and heling the club not fold, whilst brokering the Lenegan take over.
2007 Brown steps down inside 12 months on medical grounds....
2009 Hogg gets tired of the travelling and steps down inside 24 months
2009 Hughes becomes chairman
2009 After 12 months with no CEO, Paul Blanchard, A cricketing administrator who quit HKR after just 6 months as CEO takes over as GENERAL MANAGER at Quins RL
2010. After 18 months, Blanchard becomes CEO.......and McDermott leaves to become assistant coach at Leeds. He is replaced by Powell, who has no first team coaching experience.
2011....2 months later Blanchard quits and returns to Cricket
2011. We return to the cricketing trough and appoint Gus........Oh....boy, where do you start.
2012 we announce we're not supported because of our name and revert back to the Broncos
2012 after winning 23% of his games, powell is replaced with Rea
2013, we announce that we're not supported because of where we play.
2013. After defeating 2 2nd tier sides and Bradford Bulls we get absolutely owned 70 nil on FTA TV by Wigan.
2013 Hughes puts the club up for sale threatening closure if somebody doesn't step up
2014. The RFL bribe Barnet FC with £100,000 to takes us in.
2014 Rea quits after 11 losses. Joe Grima, a relatively unknown fringe coach from Sydney becomes Coach
2014 we are relegated
2014 Mackay runs out of excuses and leaves. Our accountant, Jason Loubser is made General Manager
2015, 3 games into or season in the 2nd tier and after 1 narrow win and 2 losses, Grima leaves to return to obscurity in Australia....
2015. Andrew Henderson steps up as head coach...we miss the play offs.
2016 we move to a wedding venue in Ealing and the Chairman says "it's a perfect setting for us"
2017 Henderson quits, assistant Danny Ward steps up
2018 Against all the odds, we win in Toronto and are promoted.
2019. despite being back in the top tier and being competitive, the club only attract 1,950 as an average gate and are relegated.
2021. After a global pandemic decimates all sports, The Broncos announce they're leaving Ealing and moving to Wimbledon and increasing ticket prices by 25%
2021 After realising that they couldn't move for multiple reasons, they return to Trailfinders, cap in hand
2021. Scraping into the playoffs in 6th and with another assistant pretending to be head coach after Ward has quit, the club are rumoured to be discussing another untried and tested player as head coach