I'm not going to turn this thread into a marketing one (as 1000's of them already), plus im no expert on the subject. But here is a case of a fan done this of his back,and by buying one for my car i have spoke to at least four people in my local supermarket car park when they have seen it and asked who they were as they use to go to Charlton and support the Broncos. I then spend the next few minutes explaining that it is the same team under another name and that they should try to make some games. But like most on here have heard i got the same answers back "its to far", but i tell them its 1hr 20 mins round M25 if that on a good day and that some days it takes longer then that to get to the local football team because of traffic.
If the Club could try sell these next year or even offered them free with every season ticket brought, its got to be a cheap form of marketing.
P.S. thanks WQ as like PP said its look great.