
,,,,,,,,really must get you to understand a few things about ex-pat's
1 If we can get them to become 10% of the regular support it would be double the Oz regulars we had at The Cottage!
2. However, there is also problems with them 'visiting' the Stoop as they view it as being in the 'boondocks'
3. Still they will turnout for 'one' off games against NRL clubs and it would not surprise me if there were 2x the number of NRL fans on Sunday at the game compared to 'regular' QRL fans. If so you will get your 8000+ crowd
4. While will not disagree with your timings as regards 'travel' would remind you that you need to allow 'extra' for waiting time plus poor frequency on Sundays.......also the poor service to Twickers BR!!
5. As for Weather Underground, it's one of the best forward weather sites
and on Saturday they are forecasting.......forget it, you look it up.