Right this looks like a goer from the responses received. Thoughts for a plan are as follows.
Unless there is a massive call to pick up at Twickers those coming by train will be on a train that runs through to Staines which is much easier on and off the motorway. There is a train that leaves Waterloo at 8.44 and gets to Staines at 9.30. So 9.30 at Staines station and then if required we can do another pick up at Northampton services for those up that way at 11.00. This should get us to Hudds around 14.00 (mini buses are regulated at 60 mph!!
We should be back at Staines somewhere between 21.30 and 22.00 if people want to check on getting home from there at that time.
Cost will be less than £20 a head (excluding tips for the drivers

). Expressions of interest on this thread (even if you were on the other one and a £10 deposit on Saturday gets you a booking). If you don't know me go to the volunteers table/gazebo on Saturday and ask for Paddock.
Thanks for your support in advance.