Quote: boomer "l am not critisizing town, read it again, what l am saying is these 3 games have been moved to accomodate town. its the Giants who agree to this when it is clear they dont have to, l went down on Tuesday to speak to them, they were very appologetic, but l know l am probably an isolated case. l asked in future if an unscheduled soccer match ie FA CUP was played the Saturday our Friday match is playing would we have to move. they said "no", just as a matter of interest this conversation took place in the foyer, when i asked why we carn,t play Friday if Town play Saturday a town fan who was listening piped up its because you churn up the pitch.
When we were asked to choose Sunday or Friday, l didnt much care as i normally fly in on Fridays and home on Mondays, but now after these expieriances i would defo go back to Sunday. Fridays will be Loose loose loose, to placate the hedgehog, the RFL, FA, SKY, either don,t know or don,t care about our fixture clashes. Town cannot demand we change they simply request, but the Giants always agree. Going back to churning up the pitch, we just played 6 games in 2 days in Newcastle, no problem, we have a semi-sinthetic pitch which is supposed to cope with all this, if it carn,t then someone needs to be answering some questions.'"
Apologies if I misunderstood you referring to Town moving fixtures for Giants, and thank you for putting me first in the placate list.