This thing about Ryan's defence is an interesting one. He's obviously going to be singled out because he looks 'frail'. Yet I've seen him stop Menzie Yere in his tracks, in a one-on-one, and there are a lot of bigger guys who have come worst off in trying to do that! I'm not sure how you are going to 'bulk him up' (not legally, anyway) as he's had 3-4 pre-seasons at Leigh, where weights and nutrition programmes were always high on the agenda, and tailored to individual players.
With some dedicated coaching, I'm sure he will increase his range of talents. He was always willing to learn at Leigh, and did develop a lot, as a player and person. Hence I think the alleged Stone comment about not having received any proper coaching, was somewhat below the belt - especially given the performance of his team in the first 40-50 minutes at Leigh!