Personally would say that our home atmosphere is poor when compared to some, strange as we used to create lots I think.
Can see why our "singers at the back" get frustrated at others not joining in - but think more at the front do than perhaps they realise. As for the drum - good in small bursts - and BIG G certainly gets some good chants of GIANTS!!! going.
As for songs - Good chants of FARTOWN, or GIANTS will usually get a decent response, BARMY ARMY when away (ala Salford) is good, WISE MEN (needs to be sung more to become our known anthem) and chants for individual players are good too. Guess a few more ditties would be welcome but many suggestions made on this forum have failed to take off.
On a less positive note I really do not like to hear chants such as "I GOT A SHED" (what's that about???) that is never gonna get supported apart from those few who repeat it at every away ground - or anything else aimed at demaning the opposition.
Just my thoughts