Quote: Dick Jones "Why look for blame, let's concentrate on a solutions to the mess were. In , I think the existing shareholders could donate the shares to Lisa and we then have a part fan owned club, with a member on the board and same with the touch down club, we need one of them on board too.
We already have the two setups for fans to payin to, we don't need to complicate it by setting up any more, just need a statement from the club asking for help public ally .
As starbug has aked why hasn't a shareholders meeting been held, surely it is needed before any new investors come in . Ask at for them to donate the shares to LISA instead of giving them up, at the same time do a new share issues for new investors to purchase. If all of them donated their shares the majority shareholding would be the fans.'"
Brief outline of my personal vision for you and indeed anyone else who cares to read it:
5 or 6 NEW BUISNESSMEN (with no connection of old to SCL LTD) would form a new BOD and agree to pay into the club a set fee of xxxx £pa for a minimum term of 3/5years.
This would be on agreement that all the current 11no shareholders hand back shares and current active directors either agree to stay with the new BOD on the same basis as the new guys i.e putting the same amount of cash in on the same terms while writing off any Directors Loans etc to help the club move forward. My personal preference is for a complete new team so to speak so the fans will see a complete new begining with no cross overs/ links to past and a new start and hopefully buy in to the vision.
The shares would need to be held in trust in some way to be distributed via whatever means following strategic planning and a vote (My personal preference is for shares to go to LISA/TDC a percentage year on year for thier continued and hopefully increased investment and then new shares raised and sold to fans or sold as part of VIP/ Membership packages/ schemes or something like that).
LISA would then acumulate shares as part of a long term transparent buisness plan and stratergy and should in theory grow pro rata with the club. It will then have a true voting right and voice for its members going forward. Same with the TDC.
The gaurenteed New Revenue/Income (if budgeted and managed professionally and correctly as it would be) from:
A. The New BOD
B. Share Revenue
C. Media,Sales and Marketing investment and drives
Coupled with the fan and community support of a new BOD of expierienced and very commercial astute people should give us a real stable platform to put a long term development structure in place with each director having a specific role and given a focus for example:
Sales Director - Rev v Income by stream/Explain variances/Opportunities/Strategies/Achievement of New Business wins/Lost customers
Operations Director - costs v budgets/explain variances/opportunities/legals/match day experience
Finance Director - cash flow projections/bad debt
Playing front - squad update/strengthening
Media- Leighlife/CTV/Programme/National Press/ Social Media
Community/ Youth- Closing old wounds and building bridges. Working hand in hand with East/Miners and other community teams/Local Schools/ Steve Pike and other lapsed people with great ideas to get the next generation of kids in the stadium but more importantly with Leigh Centurions in the blood.
Each of the Directors above can provide guideance and assistance and more importantly the finance to help the great people like Fred and Dave P, Mish, Alan and so on with management/motivation/communication to all the volunteers in thier specific areas.
Just a brief outline of what i see as the right way and the future.
With the right investors and the shareholders and old directors playing ball (and ofcouse subject to current debt levels being manageable and the company being solvent then this can happen and to those who have said put up or shut up..............I WILL PUT UP DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT and others who will back me already in line.
Ideas/ Feedback welcome feel free to contact me as always.