What a spectacle that game was it's enough to get any rugby fan salivating at the mouth at the thought of the season with some cracking tries, hard tackling, a couple of KO's & a bit of biff. I was impressed with our number 6 he had a good kicking game & had he kicked all 4 goals in the opener we would of drew the first test. It's great to see our up & coming stars battling it out on our doorstep but I feel a little more promotion (if there was any) would go along way to get the crowds these tests deserve & promote the game costing only a fiver who's gonna argue their not getting value for their money it's a absolute bargain. I noticed James Graham there maybe he's following in Fui's footsteps
The pitch invading perpetrator wasn't streaking they had their fury little coat on
I'm glad the camera guy decided against impaling it with his camera stand