On the Crusaders page Gogledd has posted the following regarding best places pre-match:
"Definitely try the Turf Hotel. Wayne and Shelly are great hosts and they usually put a cask beer on for match days. He usually has pie, chips. gravy, curry etc available on matchdays. The pub is on Mold Road right next to the stadium.
The next nearest pubs are The Elihu Yale (Wetherspoons (1/2 mile into town)) or the Plas Coch near Sainsbury's. Both do food. Wetherspoons has better beer.
If you fancy completely filling a pub then The Horse and Jockey in town is a tiny thatch-roofed pub with good beer and a nice atmosphere. I'm not sure if they do food.
There's also Saith Seren in Lampit Street - a community run Welsh with good beer and food."
There's also a pre-match carvery at the Stadium as part of a hospitality package.
They're a really friendly bunch down at The Racecourse. I'm sure everyone will have a great day - whoever you're supporting