Quote: the tache is back "i actually think you are alright it's just when politics pop up on here in the past you have come across a bit sanctamoniously,not everyone maybe as fortunate as you no matter how hard they work for it,rather than concentrate on things like a choice of health provider why not comment on how lucky we are to have a national health service in this country,i have paid for private healthcare in the past,that saved me a 6 month wait for surgery but cost me a considerable sum.
why we contiually drum the nhs down in this country is beyond me after all if you get hurt in the home,workplace or on the roads it will be the nhs that comes in your hour of need not bupa.
if you think that the minimum wage is a bad idea then why don't you try to live on it then?
isn't our society all about helping individuals better themselves or helping the more unfortunates,the tory party have flown in the face of this during it's entire duration.
i live a comfortable life,nobody has given me anything i've not worked for but i wouldn't want to live it at the expense of somebody else.'"
Tache I appreciate the reply. It's not that I am sactimonious nor particularily fortunate, it's just I take a different view.
I believe the private sector is more efficient than public sector by virtue of the motivations behind each ideology. I am a believer in health care free at the point of need, but this does not need to mean it is delivered by a public organisation. I would rather have competing private enterprise engaged by the government to deliver the service, and for me, to have the choice of which organisation to use. The same applies for education. We only need to look at the how privatisation has enabled greater choice and service to the consumer. A classic example of this was the privatisation of BT. Prior to privatisation you had to wait weeks to get a new line and one company had the monopoly. Through competition and efficiency we now have a wide range of potential suppliers and a higher level of service. Same goes for gas, electricity and water.
I do not believe in the minimum wage as I do not like the state interferring in the private sector. I would rather market forces apply such that each person is paid according to their worth with the choice of course that they do not have to take the job if they do not wish to.
I believe in the power of the individual to develop, grow and achieve with the state existing to enable them to do so, not reigning them back by over taxation and beaurocracy. Remember whilst I am against minimum wage, I'm also for lower taxation and choice.
I am a true egalitarian and wish everyone to be able to succeed regardless of background, race, disability or sex. If pushed I actually would prefer to see people from working class backgrounds be encouraged more to start businesses and succeed, just like they did under Thatcher.