...how to nullify Tomkins. I could say the easy thing and do what the Aussies did at Wembley. But to be honest the Wigan backline is (mostly - I don't count Gelling in this) excellent, and if we pressurise Tomkins then gaps will appear for Carmont or Goulding that will then get fed to Charnley and Thornley. The battle to contain Tomkins will come in good field management, and that starts with the forward battle and is orchestrated by the kicking game. Get either of those wrong and Tomkins will find gaps via his crabbing and break the line, and once he's got through he's got the pace to continue either till a cover tackler comes across and gets him, or he passes to whoever is in support (hence his high assists) or scores. We could also score more point than they do!
Having said that Wigan are not a team of invincibles. Wire have the players, coaching and strategy to match them or better them. That's why I, personally, am loving watching this Warrington team. Let's not forget three years ago we were dire but managed a good cup run to Wembley, two years ago we were good in the league games and got distracted by Wembley, last year we were knocking seven shades out of most teams but failed on two big games so had to settle for finishing top of the league (even though Wigan were top for the majority of the season and we only overtook them when we beat them after their Wembley trip). This year we've ground out some hard battles and won (Hudds & Wigan away at the start of the year and to a lesser extent Wakey away). We've also lost in some games where we've not performed (Cats away, Salford) and also tonked some teams (Chemics at Etihad). The difference between this year and last is that the coaches don't seem bothered to finish top, but to be good at the back end of the campaign. Let's hope that TS and the others can manage the players well and get some more silverware and a trip to Old Trafford would be nice as I've not been there since Wire played Wigan in the old Premiership final and lost 8-0 in what was the most dire game of RL I think I've ever watched (was it 1988 or 89? I can't remember).
What will be telling is what team Wire put out this week - will TS rest players?, has he settled on his best 17? and is he going to stick with it unless injury or loss of form forces a change? TS talks a lot about only playing the next game, but he's a wily of fox and he knows he's got to manage the squad for upcoming games but doesn't let on in interviews. I'm assuming that he's honed his talks to media over the years and it's interesting to see Wane doing the opposite and laying it out for all to see. Will his passion for Wigan not come across in interviews in the future if Wigan don't achieve what he says he wants them to? Let's hope so cos a brutally frank Shaun Wane can only mean that the Pies are winning everything that shines, and I just couldn't be doing with that!