Er, born, bred and still live in Warrington mate. Round the corner from the Millhouse in Cinnamon Brow. Ex Beamont, ex Woolston Rovers just so you know I'm not German!
Just to explain, me and a mate set it up as most of the official stuff is tat and all the swag stuff is pretty poor. Yep, the site who fulfills the orders is in Germany but the idea was to have something a bit different at Wembley and we weren't in a position to go out and get t-shirts printed and sell them elsewhere so we used a company who print, process orders and despatch them. Didn't realise they were german.
Anyway, hope a couple of the designs raised a smile to those who saw them. Not going to post the link again as don't want to of the moderators but there you go - you can pm me me though if you want it. i like the ian brown and the 100% warrington ones but they were mine!