Quote Ian [77="Ian [77"Rather than fannying about why don't you just come out and say what you've got to say?
Sod it, I'll do it.
He asked for him to be banned because he got a PM titled 'Hard Man' from Panties that asked if he wanted to meet up. On any construction, it was a threat, regardless of what Panties says. He sent me PMs in the past saying my posts were 'a bit crap' because I suggested that one of his crap threads should be locked. As you well know, you and Panties took your issue over to the Last Tackle website and asked him about it there. Like big kids.
Mark talked about banning 3 people from this site being the solution. I'll tell you who they are and why:-
Des - it's a fake name and he uses the forum to mess about and try to wind people up.
You - you are constantly aggressive, argumentative and dismissive of other people's views. The only reason you haven't been banned, I assume, is because you've spent the last 6 weeks kissing Wolfette's backside so you don't get banned. How you can criticise Cockney for having 'mod friends' is beyond me. You're a hypocrite, a bully and a liar.
Panties - again, uncessarily aggressive and argumentative. Rarely, if ever, offers an opinon on Rugby league and either starts threads that are utter crap or ruins good ones. Like you, he also whines on and on about the AUP when he breaks it every other post.
This forum is dying because of the tit like behaviour of those named above. THAT'S why people are boycotting it. The good old days consisted of:-
Rugby league chat
Harmless banter
Irrevent chat
The people involved in that are irrelevant.
I've made some good mates off the back of this board. However at the minute it's a bit like going to some home games, I'm ashamed to be associated with it.
Before one of you starts
1 - I accept the above breaks the AUP
2- I couldn't give a tiny rats ass.
Kind regards