Quote JWP="JWP"As somebody who's opinion I'll listen to, were Monaghan & Briers 'that' bad ? Ie, Monaghan to be withdrawn at halftime, Briers before the end ? Were they bad enough to make you think they might not play for a while ? I've said on another thread, I think we'll see Gleeson at stand off from next week, I'm just wondering from somebody who was actually there ?
I'd like to see a few of these turn out for the reserves for a while to tell you the truth, not just for a week like, for a few weeks, like Penny has been doing for his 'crimes'. I think Monaghan, Briers et al should be shown up, the real slackers, Rauhihi is another who for me doesn't pull his considerable weight.
I think a chap said it on another thread, ask them directly do you want to play for this club ? If no, turn out at Wilderspool, every Saturday, in front of 100 people, and know that your facing the prospect of doing this for two & a half years if needs be, if the money means that much to you, then good on you, if you can afford a drop, instruct your agent to get you an NRL club asap, and we'll call it quits for the money you've stolen so far.
If the players think they can take on Smith, they are wrong, they are wrong for a start because I think we've all had enough of them, collectively we've had a gutful of them. We've shifted the blame everywhere, Cullen, Lowes, Moran, it's the players, they don't work hard enough & they don't want it, and if I had to choose, I'd back Smith tomorrow, if he wanted to get rid of all 25 of them, play the reserves until the end of the season, and bring in people that he trusts to work hard for our club, I'd back him 100%, the players need to realise, the fans are speaking now, they can't hide anywhere, the blame is firmly being placed at their feet, and should Smith want to weed out 1,2,5,10 whatever, the fans will back him.'"
good comments