Quote: Michigan red "If I pay the £200 do I get every game, the VIP dining doo dat once, an away game, the MM two day pass and the £26 goody bag?.
It simply can't be that if you pay by DD it's cheaper as that makes absolutely no financial sense whatsoever.
Have they scrapped the CC ticket from this offer?'"
Making DD more atractive make perfect financial sense. even if their brochure makes hard work of it.
1. they recognise stumping up £180-200 per fan - £400 per family is a big ask pre season , especially one where this year they cannot b---s--t us a star cast of signings & top 8 predictions. do used to pay more by signing up DD. now they are encouraging it .
2. regular income , rather than a big bunce preseason and nothing from members after.
3. kidology - last season it was £50 for a pass and £130 to pay for all the SL games , now you can pay £ up to £170 0dd for the membership but only ever pay £50 for you games . it sounds cheaper?
4. How many of us pay DD for say Broadband , Sky , Virgin Media , £10 - 20 -£30 per month, if you added up these debits and were asked to fork out for the next 12 months in one hit , half of us would think twice , so paying £ 5- 10 or 15 quid a month to watch Salford without runiing to the ATM every Friday night or Sunday morning is abetter way to attract supporters.
5. you'll never quit, Once your on DD statistically people are less inclined to cancel , and I strongly suspect the DD will role into next seasons ' 2013' membership packages unless you cancel ,
TBH £ 1.00 per week membership and £13 per match is an easy way to support.
£ 4.46 per week ( £19.34 per month )to get full membership & all the extra bits & bobs isn't bad either. Top package is £ 232 per year , all in ,
Leeds passes for Headingley start at £220 for Bog std , rising to £ 330 . by comparison
I hope they have got this right for all our sakes!