Here lies one of the issues at Salford.
To/too/two much infighting.
I think we as a team should start running out to "One Love" and try and foster some Bonhomme.
The Willows was a hole, but it was ours, Barton is not as bad as some mention but it doesn't feel like home, for all the promises of making it feel more like the Willows inside it still fails miserably.
There were tools who attended games at the Willows but it didn't seem as prevalent, for some reason the loons seem too stand out more at Barton.
I once at the Willows stood with my mate and were joined by a couple from New York, they had been told about Salford by the hotel concierge and loved every second of it, I actually enjoyed explaining what was happening and they couldn't believe what they were watching. Maybe the club could introduce a buddy system, anyone new expressing an interest through the club of attending a game could tag along with someone and get the feel of the game through an experienced voice, I know I'd not have an issue doing so and besides it would always be their round