Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"very easily, the creditors issue is with the previous owners not the new ones. You are punishing the new ones, not the old ones,
What's stopping owners running up huge debts then putting the club into admin is that they will lose all the money they put in. That's the deterrent, taking points off a club they no longer own isn't a deterrent. Do you think Omar Kahn is sat there saying 'well, I'm cool with the hundreds of thousands of pounds I lost but god forbid they take points off a club i dont own'?
No sanction you levy on Bradford now could have any effect on how Omar Kahn ran the business. Just as no sanction you could levy on Andrew Glover would have affected how Ted Richardson ran Wakefield'"
You know what the biggest problem in these guys just not "getting it" is? Over and above those who just want to see Bradford screwed to improve their own club's chances of avoiding the drop? They can't get their heads around the distinction between an entity - be it company or club - that is incapable of any thought or action by itself - and those who own and/or direct it.
Maybe they would go out and give a car a damn good thrashing, because a previous owner ran up an HP debt on it and did not pay the garage for servicing it. That will REALLY teach that nasty car a lesson, won't it? And it will REALLY encourage its new owner not to do it again, won't it? Except, he never actually did it in the first place; a previous owner did.
Indeed, giving the car a well-deserved thrashing is, if anything, only likely to impoverish the new owner, and make it much more likely he will end up doing the same as the previous one.
(c) Adeybull's Car Analogies - available on Amazon and from all good bookstores.