Quote: r a n c i d "No we don't. It's that sort of mentality that's traditionally hurt Rugby League. '"
Is it? In what way? How can having a strong national team be bad for rugby league?
Quote: r a n c i d "What we need is a strong grass roots and domestic competition. '"
Of course. But across the country not just across the M62. Why should people in the south choose to play RL instead of cricket, football, union, tennis etc especially when they're never exposed to it in it's elite form except for occasionally seeing a bit about the Cup Final and when England lose to Australia again.
Quote: r a n c i d "As well as completely new people running the game.'"
Quote: r a n c i d "That League exists, let alone has popularity, is amazing. '"
Except it doesn't have popularity. It's popular in Hull, Leeds and Wigan and a few small towns. It exists, thats about all you can say for League.
Quote: r a n c i d "Considering the complete lack of marketing and inept running of the game.'"
In what way? I assume you know of untapped sources of funding for this marketing that you yearn for? The RFL do regular emails, mail shots, billboards and have even advertised on TV, something which, IIRC, no other major sporting governing body has done before.