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Club Coach36085
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SUPPORT SWAG...:d7dc4b20b2c2dd7b76ac6eac29d5604e_10363.jpg

Quote: SmokeyTA "icon_lol.gif

When you are going to pick someone up on their spelling or grammer, or if they have made a typo, it would be best if you managed to start with the correct word, otherwise you would end up looking quite silly
What are you on about, on second thoughts forget it d040.gif

Oct 200816 years
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A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker - Buddha:41119.jpg


Quote: SmokeyTA "Im not interested in your brand of parochialism. Wakefield failing is bad for the entire sport, that’s why it matters. I want them to be better, I want them to be a flagship club, one we, as a sport can are proud of, Im sure you do too. But that wont ever be achieved if we pretend the problems they face don’t exist, that the failings they have aren’t real, or we treat them like a basket case which can’t be held to a higher standard.

Wakefield being happy with what they have isn’t an option, it isn’t good enough, though I accept that is the case for quite a few clubs'"

Can't do it over night though Smokey. I reckon we are in a better position than many in that our trajectory is 'up' at the moment. That is what I am happy about. Not being the best is not the same as being rubbish, but as you imply, there is a benchmark that we are not quite at yet that we would all like to be.

Club Coach36085
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SUPPORT SWAG...:d7dc4b20b2c2dd7b76ac6eac29d5604e_10363.jpg

Quote: PopTart "Can't do it over night though Smokey. I reckon we are in a better position than many in that our trajectory is 'up' at the moment. That is what I am happy about. Not being the best is not the same as being rubbish, but as you imply, there is a benchmark that we are not quite at yet that we would all like to be.'"

Not simplistic enough just yet - hope you've the time for this Poptart because he has icon_wink.gif

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: PopTart "Can't do it over night though Smokey. I reckon we are in a better position than many in that our trajectory is 'up' at the moment. That is what I am happy about. Not being the best is not the same as being rubbish, but as you imply, there is a benchmark that we are not quite at yet that we would all like to be.'"

Im not sure you are ahead of that many, but what movement there is seems to be in the right direction, which is good. I just don’t see why because Wakefield are moving forward that the failings they have should be ignored. I think there is a problem within our game that comes from both sides, we seem to want to not only ignore or fail to recognise some of the weaknesses in the game/clubs, but also ignore and fail to recognise the potential too. There’s a circularity to some peoples standpoint (idiots i call them), which sees the game as (to put it simply) a bit rubbish, and that it doesn’t have the potential to be anything more than a bit rubbish, so we really shouldn’t complain about things which are a bit rubbish, because in the context of how a bit rubbish our game is, its not that rubbish.

I don’t know why we cant admit our failings and be positive about what we can do. Why we cant admit a long period of shambolic leadership by Tinpot Teddy left Wakefield in a terrible position, they are improving but from a very low base, they have huge potential so we don’t need to accept mediocrity from them, they can do better and that’s what the game should demand of them.

Player Coach2150
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Quote: SmokeyTA "Im not sure you are ahead of that many, but what movement there is seems to be in the right direction, which is good. I just don’t see why because Wakefield are moving forward that the failings they have should be ignored. I think there is a problem within our game that comes from both sides, we seem to want to not only ignore or fail to recognise some of the weaknesses in the game/clubs, but also ignore and fail to recognise the potential too. There’s a circularity to some peoples standpoint (idiots i call them), which sees the game as (to put it simply) a bit rubbish, and that it doesn’t have the potential to be anything more than a bit rubbish, so we really shouldn’t complain about things which are a bit rubbish, because in the context of how a bit rubbish our game is, its not that rubbish.

I don’t know why we cant admit our failings and be positive about what we can do. Why we cant admit a long period of shambolic leadership by Tinpot Teddy left Wakefield in a terrible position, they are improving but from a very low base, they have huge potential so we don’t need to accept mediocrity from them, they can do better and that’s what the game should demand of them.'"

And Leeds do everything perfect I presume?

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: LifeLongHKRFan "And Leeds do everything perfect I presume?'"

No, they don’t. They do some very very very good things, but they also aren’t hitting the levels they are capable of in some other areas. Leeds are an even better example of what I am talking about. Some people in the game talk about the likes of Leeds as if they ‘have made it’. As if that is it for them, that we shouldn’t actually sit back, look at it again and say, ‘You know what, Leeds are a big club, with a big support base and high visibility, 14-15K averages, whilst massively better than most, and huge compared to some, isn’t Leeds reaching its potential. There is no reason why, if Leeds really put their minds to it that by say 2015, Leeds could have 20k averages. But we just accept 14-15k attendances because for a sport that is a bit rubbish, that figure isn’t too rubbish.

I don’t see what we gain by pretending that the failings some clubs have don’t exist, we should not only recognise our failings, but also our successes and especially our potential. The game shouldn’t be afraid to challenge itself, it shouldn’t be afraid to say it isn’t where it could be, and it shouldn’t be shy about saying what it could be. We are currently the 5th biggest league in Britain after the premier league, the championship, the Aviva premiership and the SPL but there is no reason that by say 2025, Super League can’t be the 2nd biggest sports league in the country. That should be our aim, and if everyone can get to the level of the biggest SL clubs now we would be very close to it, and where we are failing in that aim, we should recognise it, accept it, and address it.

Player Coach15521
Mar 201015 years
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Quote: SmokeyTA "I don’t know why we cant admit our failings and be positive about what we can do. Why we cant admit a long period of shambolic leadership by Tinpot Teddy left Wakefield in a terrible position, they are improving but from a very low base, they have huge potential so we don’t need to accept mediocrity from them, they can do better and that’s what the game should demand of them.'"

Isn't that exactly what I said several posts ago? We were in a mess - now we're in less of a mess, but there's a long way still to go. The direction of travel looks positive right now and having picked up on some of the good stuff that was achieved by the previous regime, Mr Glover could well find himself presiding over the most significant event in the history of WTW. I haven't seen a single WTW fan suggest that the work is done, that the tin roof has solved all our problems or made BV in the San Siro of West Yorkshire - on the contrary, the general attitude is one of cautious optimism.

You accuse the rest of the RL world of being satisfied by mediocrity, yet you go to great lengths to downplay the achievements of a club that is working hard to break out of decades of mediocrity; I'm not sure who told you that the tin roof, increased attendance, 2 city centre shops and refurbished hospitality facilities were 'mission accomplished,' but it wasn't a WTW supporter - your argument is based on a fallacy.

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: bren2k "Isn't that exactly what I said several posts ago? We were in a mess - now we're in less of a mess, but there's a long way still to go. The direction of travel looks positive right now and having picked up on some of the good stuff that was achieved by the previous regime, Mr Glover could well find himself presiding over the most significant event in the history of WTW. I haven't seen a single WTW fan suggest that the work is done, that the tin roof has solved all our problems or made BV in the San Siro of West Yorkshire - on the contrary, the general attitude is one of cautious optimism.

You accuse the rest of the RL world of being satisfied by mediocrity, yet you go to great lengths to downplay the achievements of a club that is working hard to break out of decades of mediocrity; I'm not sure who told you that the tin roof, increased attendance, 2 city centre shops and refurbished hospitality facilities were 'mission accomplished,' but it wasn't a WTW supporter - your argument is based on a fallacy.'"
i didnt disagree that wakefield have improved but there is still a long way to go. And im not trying to downplay wakefields acheivements just simply arguibg that they are accepted for what they are. But you seem to be doing exactly what im talking about, its almost like a mass self-esteem issue where Wakefields fairly modest acheivements should be celebrated or make Wakefield immune to criticism because we have seen them go from absolute basket case to just a little bit of a basket case because everything is a littl bit rubbish in rl.

Player Coach15521
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Quote: SmokeyTA "i didnt disagree that wakefield have improved but there is still a long way to go. And im not trying to downplay wakefields acheivements just simply arguibg that they are accepted for what they are. But you seem to be doing exactly what im talking about, its almost like a mass self-esteem issue where Wakefields fairly modest acheivements should be celebrated or make Wakefield immune to criticism because we have seen them go from absolute basket case to just a little bit of a basket case because everything is a littl bit rubbish in rl.'"

That bears no resemblance to what's happening at the club or amongst the supporters.

I say again - I haven't seen or heard a single WTW supporter or member of staff suggest that their work here is done; quite the opposite - most fans have welcomed the small improvements that have been made, but are clear that the real hard work is still to come. Mr Glover himself has stated at several events that he has a ten year plan for WTW - for the sake of context, year one has just passed. Out of interest, where have you picked up the feeling that the club is accepted for what it is or should be immune to criticism?

I realise it rather goes against the spirit of the VT, but perhaps you should avoid pontificating on subjects of which you only have a sketchy, outsiders knowledge?

Whatever you decide to do, I'd appreciate if you refrain from the cod pyschology; it's rather insulting and cheapens the discussion.

International Star2258
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What's pink & hard first thing in the morning? The financial time crossword [url=][img:39bjthd5][/img:39bjthd5][/url:39bjthd5]:d7dc4b20b2c2dd7b76ac6eac29d5604e_65068.jpg

I don't think a 30% increase in attendances can be considered "mediocre" in fact considering where Wakey finished in 2011 and the majority of home performances then I'm amazed we manage to average over 8k a game, I think if the club was not making massive strides in other areas the fans would have clearly voted with their feet and there would never have been an "Esso Garage tin Roof"
Mr Smokey, come along to Belle view next season and get some informed knowledge of the situation then maybe you wouldn't get accused of spouting such ill informed bilge icon_thumb.gif

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: bren2k "That bears no resemblance to what's happening at the club or amongst the supporters.

I say again - I haven't seen or heard a single WTW supporter or member of staff suggest that their work here is done; quite the opposite - most fans have welcomed the small improvements that have been made, but are clear that the real hard work is still to come. Mr Glover himself has stated at several events that he has a ten year plan for WTW - for the sake of context, year one has just passed. Out of interest, where have you picked up the feeling that the club is accepted for what it is or should be immune to criticism?'"
I think there is a bit of a straw man here. Whether deliberate or not, whether its you or me, there seems to a change in what im trying to put across to what you are reading. Im not saying that the club have said their work is done. What I am saying is that there is an attitude, not from everyone, not specifically to wakefield, not from WTW as a club, but a sizeable group of people that sees a club like Wakefield and limits it. They see it as a 'small club' and judge it by 'small club' benchmarks. Its the one that says Wakefield (and im just using them as an example, as i have said numerous times this is throughout the game) had a great season last year, when in fact they were mid-table during the regular season, and fairly easily knocked out of the play-offs. That happens at leeds, Sts, Wire et al and the coach loses his job and serious questions are asked about the structures at the club and fans are kicking off.
Its one which says 7k is a good attendance and an 'achievement' it isnt it is poor, its better but still poor.
Its the one that sees putting a couple of hundred grands worth of steel on a stand and pretends thats an achievement when it doesnt even address what an awful facility Belle Vue is.

As i say, it isnt specific to Wakefield, it applies to almost all clubs from the woe is me of the Wigan fans this off-season, to every club that is just aiming for a play-off place, we saw it under P+R where clubs aimed for survival, and fans were happy with that. Its the kind of thinking that says 6'5k crowds are 'good for cas' f@@k off, no they arent, they arent good for anybody, not Cas, not London, no-one!

Look at this thread and see what people are actually defending, we have Wakefield fans getting upset because 9 months ago i described the roof put on a stand as a petrol forecourt roof, we have Cas fans defending a playing record over SL which has yielded 2 relegations, 3 play-offs, 0 finals and never a sniff of a trophy and then look at the can London be the biggest club thread and we can see people saying things like [iWhy can people not accept the fact we are a regional sport, embrace the fact.[/i or on the what if expansion works thread where we have people saying things like [iI think it would be good if every club in England, followed by Wales and then France won the Euro Lottery as sole winner. This would help RL expand, also finding the end of the rainbow and each CEO becoming proficient in the art of alchemy[/i or [iIf expansion works, it will be played in a parallel universe.[/i there is a section of our support base that just really doesnt believe in the game at all, so it pretends that fairly mediocre things like Wakefield putting a roof on a stand is a great achievement, or Cas getting 6;5k averages or HKR only having 9 players from overseas this year or these clubs qualifying for the playoffs are things the game should celebrate and that we should be proud of these clubs and celebrate and cherish these clubs, then on the other hand arguing these clubs arent going to be better, they arent going to be flagship clubs, they arent going to challenge the big clubs and the game isnt ever going to spread it isnt ever going to get better. Its a depressing pessimism that infects the game, there is almost a battle to see who can be the most 'realistic' except people seem to have forgotten to be realistic and have just become negative. There are numerous people who are predicting the demise of the game, there are people seriously suggesting we cut the SC to £1m and give up on keeping our best players because clubs like Wakefield will never be able to afford to be competitive. That is what I am arguing against, this pervasive pessimism that somehow is mixed with excuses and false praise for mediocre improvements.

Oct 200816 years
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A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker - Buddha:41119.jpg


I understand what you don't like Smokey but I fail to see what you do think is good.
You say Wakefield attendances are still poor but what exactly do you see as ok?

You seem to write intelligently but at the same time just seem to be going out of your way to criticise and wind everybody up.

Say clearly what you see as good with no backhanded complements or digs and let us understand why you have such an interest in these 'poor' clubs.

Player Coach15521
Mar 201015 years
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Quote: SmokeyTA "I think there is a bit of a straw man here. Whether deliberate or not, whether its you or me, there seems to a change in what im trying to put across to what you are reading.'"

I think you'll find that there is a direct correlation between the changes to how people are perceiving your argument, and the frequency with which your argument changes.

Quote: SmokeyTA "Im not saying that the club have said their work is done. What I am saying is that there is an attitude, not from everyone, not specifically to wakefield, not from WTW as a club, but a sizeable group of people that sees a club like Wakefield and limits it. They see it as a 'small club' and judge it by 'small club' benchmarks. Its the one that says Wakefield (and im just using them as an example, as i have said numerous times this is throughout the game) had a great season last year, when in fact they were mid-table during the regular season, and fairly easily knocked out of the play-offs.'"

Does context not figure in your world? The generally accepted view seems to be that relative to where they were and in the context of where they started from (20 new players?) Wakefield had a good season, in relative terms; from being widely predicted to win the wooden spoon, they ended the season with a 7 game winning streak, against decent opposition, and finished in the 8, losing out to the world and SL champions.

Quote: SmokeyTA "Its one which says 7k is a good attendance and an 'achievement' it isnt it is poor, its better but still poor.'"

Again, context; what's being praised as an achievement is the [iincrease[/i in attendances, and rightly so; the upward trend needs to continue, but change is a process, not an event.

Quote: SmokeyTA "Its the one that sees putting a couple of hundred grands worth of steel on a stand and pretends thats an achievement when it doesnt even address what an awful facility Belle Vue is.'"

Again, a fallacious argument; BV is seen by most WTW supporters now as a temporary facility - Mr Glover has prudently made some improvements to satisfy the RFL, at significant cost to himself. I don't see anyone portraying that as anything other than what it was - indeed, many supporters have said that the money was wasted and that he should have told the RFL to go whistle.

Quote: SmokeyTA "As i say, it isnt specific to Wakefield, it applies to almost all clubs from the woe is me of the Wigan fans this off-season, to every club that is just aiming for a play-off place, we saw it under P+R where clubs aimed for survival, and fans were happy with that. Its the kind of thinking that says 6'5k crowds are 'good for cas' f@@k off, no they arent, they arent good for anybody, not Cas, not London, no-one!'"

I would agree that a race for mediocrity isn't helpful; I am however able to acknowledge when a club makes incremental progress towards longer term improvements; that's generally how things are done in the real world and you may be surprised to learn that not everyone can win SL every year or build a brand new stadium in the off-season.

Quote: SmokeyTA "Its a depressing pessimism that infects the game.'"

This we agree on, with the supercilious bilge that you post being an excellent example of the attitude of some 'supporters' of RL that hold the game back. If every club abandoned the realism that you find so offensive, the game would collapse in on itself in no time.

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: PopTart "I understand what you don't like Smokey but I fail to see what you do think is good. '"
As I said, I think challenging the championship should be our aim so 17k+ would be ‘good’
Quote: PopTart "You say Wakefield attendances are still poor but what exactly do you see as ok?'"

10k+ should be the minimum acceptable. It is the minimum level at which the game thinks it can operate.
Quote: PopTart "You seem to write intelligently but at the same time just seem to be going out of your way to criticise and wind everybody up.

Say clearly what you see as good with no backhanded complements or digs and let us understand why you have such an interest in these 'poor' clubs.'"
Because there are some clubs who aren’t too far away from where the league needs to be, there are other who aren’t anywhere near. It’s the ones who aren’t near who are the problem for the league, they need to improve. It affects the whole game.

Player Coach22777
May 200618 years
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// [quote="bUsTiNyAbALLs":9q9d2t35]Do not converse with me you filthy minded deviant.[/quote:9q9d2t35] [quote="vastman":9q9d2t35]My rage isn't impotent luv, I'm frothing at the mouth actually.[/quote:9q9d2t35]:

Quote: bren2k "Does context not figure in your world? The generally accepted view seems to be that relative to where they were and in the context of where they started from (20 new players?) Wakefield had a good season, in relative terms; from being widely predicted to win the wooden spoon, they ended the season with a 7 game winning streak, against decent opposition, and finished in the 8, losing out to the world and SL champions.'"
No, in relative terms Wakefield had a poor season, relative to half the league Wakefield had a poor year. What you are doing now is what I am talking about, it is small time thinking and its what makes small time clubs.

Wakefield lost more games than they won, they finished in the bottom half of the league and were comfortably knocked out of the play-offs, if Wakefield arent better than seeing that as a good season they shouldnt be in SL. (for the record i think they are better than that)

Quote: bren2k "Again, context; what's being praised as an achievement is the [iincrease[/i in attendances, and rightly so; the upward trend needs to continue, but change is a process, not an event.'"
But the increase is nigh on irrelevant when its barely a third of the minimum of what you need. London could go up by 30%, it would take them to between 3-4k averages and would total about 700 people, Yeah its good they are improving but that isn’t something to celebrate, Whilst 30%, in real terms it’s a fairly small number and they are still miles away from where they need to be, and the figures are still bad.

Quote: bren2k "Again, a fallacious argument; BV is seen by most WTW supporters now as a temporary facility - Mr Glover has prudently made some improvements to satisfy the RFL, at significant cost to himself. I don't see anyone portraying that as anything other than what it was - indeed, many supporters have said that the money was wasted and that he should have told the RFL to go whistle.'"
You cant on one hand argue that Wakefield shouldn’t bother with these improvements, and blame the RFL for ‘wasting’ all that money on improving them, then expect praise for a 30% improvement in what is a pretty poor attendance figure. One of the major reasons Wakefields attendance is so poor is the stadium and it’s again, small time thinking to think Wakefield don’t have to improve their attendances, don’t have to improve their facility because possibly, in 3 years a Stadium which hasn’t yet had a brick laid, may be built.

Quote: bren2k "I would agree that a race for mediocrity isn't helpful; I am however able to acknowledge when a club makes incremental progress towards longer term improvements; that's generally how things are done in the real world and you may be surprised to learn that not everyone can win SL every year or build a brand new stadium in the off-season.'"
They don’t have to do it in one year, we are 16 years in to fully pro Rugby League, to pretend that I am demanding all clubs win SL every year and build a new stadium in the off-season is blatant nonsense, We have had 16 years to win something, get to a final, improve their stadiums, and still some fans are acting as if it is too much to ask, in too short a time for them to have made the necessary adjustment to fully pro RL, and they want to pretend that is realism and not small-time thinking.
Quote: bren2k "This we agree on, with the supercilious bilge that you post being an excellent example of the attitude of some 'supporters' of RL that hold the game back. If every club abandoned the realism that you find so offensive, the game would collapse in on itself in no time.'"
How about some actual realism, some facts.

More people watch our game now than ever before, more people attend games in this era than ever before, there is more money in the game than ever before, the last 10 years have seen a resurge in the international game which was nigh on dead 20 years ago. We have more youngsters playing the game, we have more games televised to a higher production level, than ever before, we are a nationally televised sport, we are the 5th biggest sporting league in Great Britain (by attendance) we are an outstanding sport, the greatest game, we have so much to be proud of bar a fan base that would rather criticise the game, look for the negatives, would rather spin good news to bad and that argues in favour of accepting mediocrity than banging the drum for how good the sport is and how high its potential is.

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Salford Close In On The Play O..
Leigh Leopards Up To Fourth Af..
Leeds Rhinos Into the Six Afte..
Wigan Warriors Defeat Hull KR ..
Wane Names Provisional Squad f..